
While no one has been able to prove that there is any spoken component to this language, angelic runes are a set of symbols associated with the clergy of the new church, although they are highly controversial. Many priests wants to distance themselves away from those who use angelic in their sermons and healing words, as they have been used as a secret code among cults and other harmful groups to comunicate between them. After the entire scandal with Dreadmoore happened, many churches and priests decided to erase anything that has these runes on them.   Before that, Angelic was said to be the language descended from heavens. It is the only tool that can transcend the veil of death and reach out to those who are no longer walking among the living. The first mentions of it appeared some 200 years after the first saint has died along with any of his relatives. On the earliest of messages these runes usually convey a complex message, they are used more as symbols than as a scripture. But as the time went by and more and more of those runes started to appear, an official alphabetical list was made along with commentaries on their interpretations. These books are locked far away in a very few monasteries in Avalonia and are completely hidden from the public access and also from the access of many of the regular clergy.   The heated debate whether these symbols should be trusted at all, used or completely destroyed is alive and well although it mostly consists of hushed whispered exchanges after most of the fellow brothers and sisters in faith had already made their night prayers and went to sleep.   There are some rare occassions when even the commoners who have never set their foot inside of a new church can come in contact with these symbols. Usually in their dreams and such an ocurrence is associated with the fact that this individual might become a saint in the future. That there is something grand planed in the world for them. But by whom? Would it really be angels?

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