
While the new church refuses to follow the gods and the priests of the past, they do need to organise themselves somehow to keep all of their new teachings together. At first, it was just students surrounding the individual Saints and other important figures, but as the movement grew and more and more groups started popping up all over the kingdom, things started to get out of hand a little bit.   The teachings of the new church are now centered under an umbrella of a new organisation. The leader's title is officially an Archdeacon and his name gets nominated on a council of elder priests and other valued members of the religion who posses the voting power. After that the nomination gets confirmed by the local ruling power which in the current times is the king of Avalonia and then they can officially take their office.   Archdeacon does not necessarily mean a saint or saint in the making, although many past archdeacons were later on sanctified and joined the new pantheon for their service to the church and the people.    Their main responsibility is to keep the new teachings unified and to find a common path forward. They are the ones that put all of the lore and the information, rituals and rites and prayers down on paper and have it immortalised for posterity. Their word means the word of the church and whatever they decide goes. The problem is that the word of the past archdeacons cannot be revoked, it can only be built upon and some members of the church fear that this new teachings will eventually stagnate and fail the humanity the same way like any other religion in the past.   There can only be one archdeacon in the world and they have a number of assistants (deacons) who help spread the words and translate it to many other languages out there to spread this new faith. They also have their own regalia and a different habit from all other members of the new church.

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