Cave of Wonders

Wonders is an unusual guy, even for an alchemist. He is not easy to find, even if you train your ears to pick up on distant explosions and weird crackly sizzling sounds. For the safety of him and his nearby villagers and to not anger the heavens nor the kings of the land, he has chosen to make his laboratory in an abandoned cave.   By his own words, he discovered this underground system of tunnels, because "I dunno man, I just needed some shrooms for stuff." And for the shrooms he stayed.   The Cave of Wonders does not really hide any delightful surprises like treasures or rare pearls or anything like that. It usually contains Wonders, the alchemist, and his various experiments. From potions, to explosions, to various new types of alcohol, he has it all. Somewhere in the tunnels. Safe away from people and with a ready supply of dirt and stones to be hurled upon anything that proves to be too unstable. Like Wonders himself.   It is recommended to set up a prior appointment before paying him a visit, mostly for your own safety. Best to bring along some sort of a sacrifice (food) to appease the gods of bad alchemical sciences (if any alchemist is up there in the heavens, he must have been yeeted up by some very unfortunate explosion and you definitely do not want to join their ranks no matter your profession).    Wonders himself is a generaly friendly bloke (especially if you bring food), albeit a little bit jittery - which is usually seen as a good sign among those with his profession anyways, as you do need to keep your wits about you as well as your fast reflexes. He does not bother to keep any sort of a map of the cave complex with him although if you do catch him in a good mood (when you bring that homecooked delicious food like we discussed), he will gladly explain what all those weird arrows scribbled on the walls mean.   Still, venture in at your own risk.

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