Chain Mail

Sometimes nicknamed as knitting for adults, chain mail is used as a way to protect yourself for the majority of knights and warriors in the current trying times. There is nothing better than sit for long evenings in the winter with your family and children just patiently connecting little pieces of metal until they form a nice flowing jingly scarf - oh heck, wrong pattern, time to start over again, maybe I should ease up on that mead.   Chain mail as the name suggest is made out of interlinked tiny rings of metal that are all joined together to create a tunic with long sleeves that ends somewhere around the knees and sometimes includes a little hood to cover the head as well. The biggest advantage of this type of armour is the freedom of movement warriors have as opposed to using plate armour or other protective combat elements. It also offers great protection against all kinds of slashing blows, although you should be careful of the stabbers out there, that might actually still pierce through it. The biggest disadvantage hower is simply how long it takes to make one of these and the patience required with it. You might have to be very rich to afford one of those or at least have a passionate adult knitter who loves you very much, does not really want you dead, and has way too much free time on their hands (metal not required, you should have the decency to supply that at least).   Other, less scrupulous method is to search for chainmail on the battlefield as repairing it (and cleaning it from those gross mushy bits) takes less effort than to fully make your own. It does require considerate lucky timing and quickness to steal one of those though and the relatives of that fallen soldier might not really like you. But hey, he won't be using that armour anymore so, what is the real harm?

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