Crystal Chariot

It is a truth universally acknowledged that walking is for peasants. It is undignified, should be only reserved to stroll around palace gardens and great inner halls heavily decorated with beautiful tapestries. It is not an activity that noble should be doing outside. And running is completely out of the question, have you gone mad?   There must be better ways of getting from point A to point B should a noble require to actually do something personally. Most knights use horses, most noble ladies fancy chariots. For the needs of the commoners they may only use carts for the transport of goods and personnel.   There was however once fancy chariot to rule over them all which have caused quite a sensation. You see, most nobles are very protective of their privacy, especially when it comes to important occassions. Chariots are heavily decorated with all sorts of gold embelishments and there is always a curtain covering the doors with windows so the chariotee may glance outside if they wish to, but the outside will not peak in uninvited. It's considered extremely rude to try to see who is riding in a chariot and many nobles out there do not think it necessary for peasants to look at them at all anyways, glace somewhere on the ground please, like a proper commoner, good chap.   The famous crystal chariot gave everyone a show. It was used during the wedding of the previous grand king of Avalonia as his new bride freshly arrived to the shores. Not only was her chariot the grandest many people have ever seen, but most of it was made of crystal and glass and thus made it see-through. Everyone could gaze upon the beautiful queen to be and she waved and glanced back and on one occassions threw flowers outside to the other passer by ladies. That left an incredibly positive reaction to this foreign dignitary and she is fondly remembered to this day as a bride descended from a crystal cloud.

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