Eagles' Nest

Hidden somewhere at the top of the mountains, is a little hideout camouflaged among the bushes and trees that relentlessly stay atop the rock as a big risen finger to the mother nature and all of her whims. Which is what the Eagles's Nest is also all about but more towards the normal society than anything else.   This settlement is more complex than you might think at a first glance. It serves as a refuge for anyone and everyone who were hurt by the people in other villages and towns all over. Eagles are vigilantes, defending the weak against the strong, the poor against the rich, the justice against the lawlessness. But they are no fools either. They make sure they are well defended against all sorts of enemies as their organisation is the thorn in the eye of many powerful figures out there.  They consider themselves as carrying on the legacy of the resistance against the Sol Empire and as protectors of what true Avalonians should stand for.   At a first glance, you might not see much more than just a bunch of unruly sticks on some mountain or a hill. But every position of those has its own meaning and to an Eagle it sends a clear message about the hidden settlement up ahead and maybe even about the current happenings or the direction about the danger that lurks around here. It is not advised to try to get to the Eagles unless you are accompanied with a twig-reader as they might confuse you with a spy instead.    As you get closer to your destination, there is only a couple of makeshift huts peaking behind clusters of branches and leaves that serve as some sort of a camouflage walls. There are usually some basic supplies hidden in these tiny buildings, but if you have trully made it to the Eagles' Nest proper, there will be a hidden false door leading into a tunnel that would take you to the hidden town beyond.

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