
Some people consider them nothing more than rebellious bandits, others look up to them like the only hope there is against opression from evil nobility. Eagles is a group of independent vigilantes that refuse any form of governance over them apart from their own very strict ethics code that they abide by.   Members of this organisation believe that there is too much corruption in the world and that the law only favours the rich and noble and there is no place for justice in it anymore. They live secluded away from normal settlement in their hideouts in the mountains and their main camp is called Nest, but no one knows precisely where it is located.    They are called Eagles because they sometimes leave a feather of this bird at a location of one of their actions like robbing a rich corrupt merchant of all of his goods and just leaving him humiliated in the streets in his underpants, tied up to a post with "swindler" written all over it. Or leaving just a feather in a vault of a corrupt judge who was taking bribes for sentencing people who were innocent or releasing those that were actually guilty.   They also take the eagle as an important symbol for themselves that they need to strike fast and precisely, they need to take care of their young and of each other, and that they are the safest in the mountains where even the locals get lost unless they are skilled rangers and trackers.   It is also a nod to the Sol Empire resistance group that called themselves the Falcons and played an important part in trying to defend the rights of Avalonians against this new usurper. Eagles hope to play on this patriotism and keep the tradition of not bowing down to opressors alive for centuries to come.

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