
It is said that one day in the future, the water will get so angry with what is going on in the world, it will bubble up in rage and swallow any and every land there ever was and with it the life as we know it shall end.   Colloquially this grand event is known as Flooood, the extra Os expressing the severity of the flood that has been prophesied. Beyond that the end of the world and all that walks upon it has many different variations that do not agree upon anything except that the doom will come with never ending thunderwaves that will consume all. Interestingly enough it does not really speak about the fate of fish and other ocean dwelling creatures - as far as the river beings go, they shall be poisoned by salt, so not much luck there either.   There is also no consensus about this event being inevitable - some version say that this great wave will come as a punishment for sins and crimes against nature, others claim that thunderwaves are unpredictable and can come at any moments no matetr what and that no one can trully control the skies and because there has been already many great thunderwaves in the past, who's to say that a giant one cannot come some time in the future. These two lanes of thinking predict how people are coping with this idea of the end of the world: one group is trying to lead as pious of a life as possible and do no harm to no one around them in the hopes that this will help prevent such disaster and the other group is trying to think of waves of how to protect humanity and other living things from water by trying to come up with various crazy inventions. Some people out there are trying to invent wings so people can join the birds in the skies! How foolish for mortals to try to evade their fated end.

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