
In case the world proves a bit too much for a person of any gender or background, they can join a monastic order and devote their entire existence to do good - whatever that means according to the diety they decided to follow. It is a simple, secluded life with strict rules and discipline but many supernatural protections.   Monastery is a building or a walled off complex of buildings where people who have renounced the common world gather in their worship. They can have many different parts, depending on the specific order, often providing housing and places for research such as libraries or infirmaries. Many of them also have gardens and courtyards and aim to be as self-sustaining as possible, limiting the contact with the world outside. Some orders go to extreme measures to make their monasteries inaccessible, like building them on top of an isolated mountain top. The difficulty of building and maintaining a small community in such harsh conditions are usually considered to be part of the devotion.   Monasteries usually have some form of a wealthy benefactor who funds their beginnings in order to seek a favour from a specific saintly figure. They make for important landmarks in the regions and greatly limit the influence of wilderness.   The power wild magic and items associated with it seem to be greatly limited within the walls of a sacred place and people who do not follow the new line of worship tend to avoid monasteries and their patrons.   Should you choose to pick a Monastery as the center of your fellowhips you will have a number of unique upgrades and quests available only to you. That does not mean that you can only pick a person of faith as your main character as there are many reasons why an outsider might temporarily reside in such a place. It does however dictate the type of quests and rewards you can expect from your adventuring.

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