
This little prickly thing should not be missing from equipment of any adventuring person wanting to go on quests to faraway lands, but also any other common boring peasant already living in those lands. From queens and kings and lords and ladies all the way down to a beggar on the street - having a needle is considered to be a basic human right in a time and places where they mostly know lefts.   There are many kinds of needles a person could have. Long and thick tapestry needles (or if you feel particularly stabby, a knitting needle would do nicely), or thin and tiny little needles used for sewing with delicate threads, or you could be somewhere in between depending on if you want to mend a shirt, a shoe, your saddle bag or pouches, your heart and other bodily dangly or disturbed bits. It's astounding what blacksmiths are able to do with a little piece of metal these days. Even intellectuals, albeit there is very few of those, are carrying their needles everywhere they go, because what if they needed to mend a book in an emergency? Needles are also popular for self defense against criminals, or for self enrichment by those criminals, trying to break into a lock if you are rich enough to have those.   It is absolutely essential to have a needle. With most people, they are often stuck somewhere in the "haystack" as many like to call their hair(styles). In Avalonia it is common to tame very long hair into a managable and clean condition by braiding them and subsequently sewing them onto your head to make it all nice and secure during the day. And it's great to keep the needle tucked in there somewhere as you never know when you might need something small and stabby in your day to day shennanigans. If you happen to be lucky of having an extra coin or two you might invest in a needle pouch or a small purse.

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