
Forest fires are considered to be one of the worst natural disasters that can happen in Avalonia, especially since so many creatures depend upon them for their habitat and survival in general. These tragedies have a great affect on all life within the kingdom.   With the simple term pixies, people call faes that have been displaced by a big forest fire and decided to live within the human society. Some deciding to find shelter only temporarily while other deciding to integrate among the humans for life. Local lords usually welcome such refugees with open arms as most of faes have certain command over the forces of nature and are able to help with common agriculture problems like pests and animal diseases - even if their methods of resolving them are somewhat unusual. When it comes to preparing for winter and maximizing yields from the fields, every hand, leg and wing counts.   That does not mean that pixies do not get discriminated and sometimes even ostracized from the human settlements. But more often than not, there is some level of peaceful cohabitation created.   Pixies can be beigns of all shapes and sizes and can encapsulate completely different species as well. Humans don't tend to bother to study the physiological differences and faeries do not bother to try to use those boring and limited human words to explain things. Call a pixie, pixie and no one will get insulted.   Sometimes they still prefer to keep mostly to themselves and create migrating caravans that move from settlement to settlement, performing tricks and providing entertainment to even the most forgotten places in the kingdom. These groups usually have no more than a dozen individuals, usually one or two families banded together plus some stragglers. The meaning of a family is a bit fifferent to pixies versus human.

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