Place Where The Sun Does Not Shine

A very popular curse but also an actual place, this cavern with a lengthy nickname holds many a secret. Mostly because it goes so deep that no one was ever able to get to the bottom (get it) of this issue. Well, get to the bottom and *then* get back up to tell the tale.
My Butt
In between the chonky rounded mountains of the north lies a deep chasm that stretches far down into the deep dark abyss. There is also a lovely peach tree hanging at one edge of the area, with a several branches hosting many yummy fruits. It is a frequent past time challenge for the young and adventures peasant boys and girls to heckle each other into going over there, climbing the tree, and stealing a peace of this juicy goodness without falling down and exploring the abyss.   Once upon a time, the chasm brought great interest to the local wizards as they were trying to study its origin and behaviour. It was then that they have discover that the area is slowly but surely expanding as the two edges of the land are growing further and further away from one another. There were also several attempts to descend into the darkness below, but so far there has been no progress in creating a safe levitation spell or a special harness that would allow sinking so deep. The people who have dipped into the chasm where sun does not shine, report smelling really awful air (but that could be easily explained by all of the things that have fell into the hole before them) and hearing really creepy sounds. Some suspect that there might be something monsterous living beneath and chomping on the free food falling from the sky above. The moment the canaries of these brave sinkers start to get dizzy, it was time to get back to the surface again and not tempt the fate anymore. Even for coins.

Cover image: Peaches by Ava Tyler
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