
This is a underground movement that many suspect to be a cult secretly worshipping something and someone people should not even name out loud.   It starts innocently asking question about death and what lies beyond. Seeking support during dark times of sickness or great conflict that unfortunately cost a lot of human lives in general. This movement feeds on tragedies, stokes the fires of grief and turn it to fuel their dark necromantic rites.   It is rumoured that what these people really want is access to dead bodies. They want to study to absolute details the transition from a living being to the dead corpse and they believe that if they perform a certain magic at a certain time, those dying vessels will reborn and come back as a better, improved existence. They believe it is possible for people to conquer death and aging through necromancy.   They say that they might have secret members in all sorts of churches and among executioners so they can easily snatch bodies and hide them away where no one will find them. There are great rewards posted in certain regions of Avalonia offering great bit of coin for anyone who can bring new information about this growing sinister movement that is currently hiding in the shadows and is working towards something really dangerous.   From the few members that were captured (or maybe just criminals obsessed with the idea of this cult exxisting, no one is quite hundred percent sure) the core belief of this group seems to be that death was a limitation imposed by the old false gods, so humanity can never fully grow into their potential and rival them. But now that the old gods are gone and done with it is time for people to finally reclaim their space among the heavens and throw away the shackles of mortality. May it cost anything.

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