Siege To End All Sieges

Resistance towards the Sol Empire was ruthless, bloody, full of sacrifices and bravery, but in the end, absolutely futile. The final conflict that has firmly decided that Avalonia will belong to this empire from that way onwards is remembered in the collective memory as the Siege To End All Sieges.   It was that moment when the people realised that the empire does not care about the people that are to be their new vassals or even slaves, it does not care about the state of the new land that they are currently conquering and the abundance or lack of resources. What the empire wants is one thing: land. And there shall be nothing that will stand in its way.   Dorfah was a settlement where the majority of the resistance against the Sol Invasion was gathered towards the end of the war. And what followed after the army of the empire laid a siege to this place showed the rest of the island that Sol will commit any attrocities necessary to completely eliminate all threats to their power even if it should mean that they need to eliminate all life from this island.   The unspeakable horrors commited against the people of Dorfah serve as a painful reminder that humans can be the biggest monsters of all. No one actually survived the siege but the soldiers and leaders of the empire boasted about the things that have happened there to bolster their own power and the fear of the people in Avalonia should they even think about trying to put up a fight ever again.   The siege itself took about a year and slowly but surely the moral and hope of the people inside the settlement started to wither. The invading soldiers tried every technique to break them almost as if relishing in it and competing who could come up with even more cruel things to inflict upon the people in there.   It went far beyond the hunger, the rotting corpses of anything and everything being hurled over the walls, the false promises of peace and surrender, to poison, sickness, evil spells and torture. In the end the town and everything around it was completely burnt to the ground and nothing but barred wasteland lays there until today.

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