Sisters of Mercy

Commonly known just as "Sisterhood" this organisation is a female only coven that strives to make their community better - it can be a village, town or a whole region. They enjoy considerable protection and in certain areas they act as a substitute for a judiciary system, especially in secluded far away regions.   They are not as merciful as the title of their order might suggest. They focus on being pragmatic and to pursue solutions that would solve local problems. Some of those solutions can be a bit unorthodox and not what you might expect from the start, but the sisters do have a reputation of being impartial and for making things work again to the benefit of the community. They give people what they need, not what they want. And once their decision is made, it stands for everyone it concerns and maybe only a monarch would be able to change it.   Among their other duties is taking care of family life and family disputes. Anything from helping with sick kids, securing medicine for poor people, cooking meals for the public, bringing soothing words to the elderly people on the way out of this world and of course, treating hurt hunters and workers who might not be able to afford to reach out to a doctor. In some areas they might also act as midwives and teachers of basic life necessities. They do not take in orphans, but they are able to fasciliate them a new home or at least apprenticeship through the network of other covens like this one.   Only fully grown adults can become one of the sisters and they give vows of chastity and renounce all worldly attachements. Sisterhood is a feeling placed above all and romantic pursuits are strongly discouraged in order to protect the coven's neutrality. If a sister falls in love, she is free to leave the coven and pursue her relationship.

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