The Courtly Truth

A fictional diary of a lady in waiting at the previous king's royal court, recounts the various events, scandals and affairs of the noble members of the previous court with all of the juicy details.   As literacy is a rare thing and belongs mostly to the people of either scientific or a religious inclination, there is only limited amount of suspects that could have produced this piece of prose. No one seems to agree though, who the real author is, but the way it is written seems to be a male pretending to be a lady - as suggested by some pointed looks and snickers of the other ladies in waiting in regards to the contents of the piece. (Plus a second prevalent opinion of the society that it is a waste of time to bother the womenfolk with silly things like scribling letters on a paper.)   Many parodies of this text were created in the subsequent years, a lot of them put out anonymously as well, seemingly wanting to capitalise on the popularity of this first text. There was some opposition from influential families and also some of the clergy of the new church, that writing such lustful texts promotes unsafe and immoral behaviour, but the more you forbid something, the faster it spreads.   The contects of this document have all the fun things one might associate with people who have way too much time and money to just sit on their chairs all day. In fact they are capable of doing some impressive acrobatics involving other rich and bored people on said chairs and other pieces of furniture - sometimes specificaly designed. You can read about all sorts of affairs ranging from somewhat innocent crushes to a complicated scheme of friends to enemies to benefits that would put ancient pantheons and their extramarital relations to shame.

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