Twelve Points of Reason

This manifesto was the spark that started the creation of the new church and meant the abolition of the old gods and worship associated with them. It is a pivotal piece of writing that has dictated many years of Avalonian history to this present day.   Imagine you are so angry at your life that you decide to march against the divine, the creatures that could smite your from the very surface of Eorth you are standing on. The problem is, you say to yourself, that your life is already kind of a hell, what else could those idols put me through, if I am already suffering this much.   The answer as it turned out is not a swift lightning bolt as one may presume, but instead... nothing. When Ignacius hammered his parchment of grievances on the gates of the Central Temple no divine revenge occured. Quite the contrary, the mundane and the mortals united over this piece of writing and decided to abandon these old gods the same way these dieties abandoned them first.   Twelve Points of reason became a famous sensation overnight that meant the complete lost of influence of the old religious elites until they slowly fell into obscurity. It consists of twelve short sentences giving out a factual reason why one might be dissatisfied with the old gods. The last line is the most famous one: They are not real. And some magical experts speculate that it was this sentence and this wording that sealed the fate of the old faith and manifested it into being.   These lines have became a symbol that is often inscribed into the doors and gates into the new church buildings or even households of some really devoted people. It symbolises not only the new faith but also a time where humanity split and chose a different path forward for themselves.

Cover image: Opened Book Page by Pierre Bamin
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