War Camp

It is really fascinating what a bunch of colourful frabric, a lot of metal and a bunch of guys being guys and dudes dudering around with swords can do when they all come together and unite against a common enemy. The common enemy can really be anything or anyone under the sun, depending on what feudal lord you are serving and what are his military interests.   War Tent or a full on War Camp is a temporary complex of tents and tent like structures that are meant to accomodate warriors during times of need for warriors to be around in that certain areas. These places need to be mobile and flexible enough to be built and rebuilt at numerous different places depending on what is the threat that the realm is facing. It could be an actual war, or a war on monsters, raiders, revolting peasants, bandits or actual crime organisations, mythical and magical factions or even abstract things like loud music after sundown or dealing with large scale events and issues like plagues and other pandemics.   Making War Camp the primary refuge of your group of knights means that you firmly believe that every single problem can be solved with a sword. It just needs to be shoved in a specific place with an appropriate amount of force to deal with that problem once and for good. It is a perfecly logical approach.   War Camps can be as simple and functional as just a bunch of tents huddled together behind some simple improvised fortification, or they can be grand and lavish and greatly decorated, full of tassels and flags and different kinds of amenities that are hard to find even in normal solid buildings or certain fancier castles. Nobles like to wage war in style, especially if they go out of their way and actually join in person.

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