

The estranged neighbor to Sa-kemet and Temu, Akpahm as a land is defined by its border to the cold north. Alpine, some steppes, a high and separating range of mountains at its southern end, and frequent rain to engender great and mighty forests. It is an entirely different world for those coming through Sa-kemet and its barren deserts. As such, much of its civilizations are rather well off in all respects, with great nomadic groups traveling up and down the length, and even going into Temu. A few of the more grounded ones have set their backs against the mountain range, while others play their gambit on the coastlines of the Duskveil and the northern tip of the Shimmering Ocean.


A grand mountain range in the south catches most of the incoming weather from the east, giving great rainfall across most of Akpahm. The chilly temperatures and overcast weather keep it from being verdantly green as most of Temu, however. Still, with plenty of forests, they stretch out into wide, windy steppes that race all the way up to the coastline.

Fauna & Flora

Much of Temu's ecology can be found winding its way up through Akpahm. What is rather unique to it, however, is the amount of exotic mana-centric life that tends to come down from Varnkof. Often passing through the Duskveil, these errant wanderers form a large amount of superstition and awe to the denizens of Akpahm.

Natural Resources

With a fair amount of natural rain, fresh water, and access to nearby seas, Akpahm is doing rather well for itself unlike Sa-kemet. Farming tends to be a problem, either in soil, the weather, or wildlife depending on which area, so it is not as prominent here as others. Mining forms many settlement's main sources of income and livelihoods. Trading often fills out the rest, as the riches from Sa-kemet and nearby Temu often flow through Akpahm. While its markets are not the most ideal, the overflow is so great it isn't unreasonable to say the two neighboring continents keep their estranged sibling afloat.


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