Baarham Wool


The titular product of the baarham, the baatari also produce it. An extraordinarily good insulator that is resistant to water, the wool itself has two distinct natures. If it is still attached to its original owner, it acts like a mana absorbing shroud. This ultimately allows baarham to absorb ambient mana in the environment better, which suits for their traditionally hostile living spaces. Once separated, much of this effect is lost, but the wool can still soak up mana like a sponge. It is a highly coveted material among mages and the magically inclined, even more so than rachtoh silk.   As a result, much of the ancestral baarham suffered in slavery and forced labor conditions, treated as livestock for their precious wool. This worsened under the Imperium, eventually leading to their extreme radicalization as a means of survival. Already naturally gifted in mana, their magical aptitude lent them some of the most terrifying power modern history can remember. The aftermath being what it was, baarham wool became that much rarer to obtain. It is almost never seen outside of their civilizations, for the baarham would rather burn the wool excess entirely than risk inviting such a fate again.   That perspective is changing somewhat in recent times, thanks to the baatari. As they seek a more reserved interaction with others, they often use their collected wool as a powerful trading item. Thus, if one desires it, they must seek out the baatari and their trading partners. By extension this can include 'authentic' baarham wool, as their guardians are ever needing to groom and dispose of the stuff. There's no distinction in the two wools, but merchants love to make false dichotomies for their bottom lines.   Being found among mages often, the rarity of the wool can easily make one a target if they're not careful. That being said, its enhancing abilities for magic is no joke, and those sporting such attires can make good use of it. Being a fantastic insulator, the especially rich or lucky may have it in their everyday clothing. Insulation, after all, is great against both cold and heat if applied appropriately. Really the only place it's not desired is swamps and other humid locations. It can often be found among royalty, if nothing else than as a status symbol. Most dragons and their ilk no longer bother with it, considering it bad taste or misfortune to do so. They often go for rachtoh silk instead, which is apparently much nicer for them to wear.


Material Characteristics

A fibrous and fur like substance, the wool is somewhat springy and soft all at once. It has a natural desire to resist being crushed, and its density makes it quite formidable if someone were to play with it. The color varies depending on the respective baarham, but it can be easily dyed depending. When attached to a baarham, one can see mana gather around it in particularly mana rich locations. Otherwise, the wool tends to become charged over time, appearing with ethereal glow depending on which mana.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Luxuriously soft while having a firm structure, it is quite flammable in its raw form. Being mana conductive it can react to the local environment if the conditions are right.


Natural organic compounds produced by the baarham/baatari.

Origin & Source

A natural product of the baarham since time immemorial.

Life & Expiration

The raw wool deteriorates quickly, even more so when in a mana saturated environment. When actually drawn and refined for textile purposes, it can last much longer. It must often be stored in a special manner, and woven into clothing particularly, in order to maintain its longevity. One can call the wool quite fussy as a result, complicating how its handled and the cost of labor associated with it.
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