The Mourning Blade


Far back in Nerzin's past, in the lands of Tomu, there was a mistress swordsmith. There is some debate which species she was, or what happened to her afterward, but few care for those details. What draws attention is her life's work, a pair of twin greatswords almost as long as a human is tall. Noone is certain if the swordsmith actually named them, but popular legend dictates they are the Light Splitting Blade and Wind Cutting Blade.   The two garnered much attention, and were awarded to the two greatest warriors of the swordsmith's sect. They would go on to achieve great deeds, inscribing their names in history far and wide. However, the twin swords would come to be separated, for their wielders changed greatly over time. One sought deeper understanding of the world, finding their blade to be an elegant tool. The other became obsessed with might, and sought to make everyone bow before them. Ignorant of their partner's descent into villainy, the former soon left the world, having achieved enlightenment.   Their fame soon became eclipsed by the barbarity of the other. They could not find enlightenment, no matter what sort of violence they wielded. For, as it came to be, their chosen sword wept bitterly at the innocent blood it bathed in. So great the travesty grew that when noble heroines came, it aided them in slaying its own wielder. The blade begged them to hide it away, never to see the light of day again. They agreed, and hidden away from the world, legends of a mourning blade that could cry spread throughout the lands. For many, this history faded into legend and myth, scarce remembered by anyone, even dragons and jiuweihu.   It wouldn't be until Tailao who found the blade. Although it feared she, too, would be another monster like its former owner, her creed proved different. Now the Mourning Blade, as it is known, serves Tailao, the two of them pursuing a blind path of justice and honor. What awaits them, neither really knows, but there is no other road to take. The blood upon them will not be forgotten.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Forged from radiant-infused mana-steel, the Mourning Blade channels an exotically destructive force not readily seen elsewhere. Supernaturally durable, its capable of cutting into even dragon scale without much issue, if one has the strength. In the same vein, it can double as a very thin shield if applied appropriately. As it does possess a semblance of a will, the Mourning Blade can help 'aim' its own swing with its wielder.


A tall-tale in Nerzin, particularly the lands of Tomu. It is often used as a metaphor, explaining that two equals in life can end up down two very different paths. Choice, above everything else, is the most important thing. For those in the martial discipline, it is actually the root for a culture of 'weapon respect'. That is, believing in one's own weapon as if they have a will or spirit, and trying to act in accord with it. Obvious contention arises for those who do not respect them, or are trying to force themselves down a path, but that is the nature of philosophy.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Legendary (unique)


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