Tyrant's Sea


A mostly artificial sea that resulted from the cataclysmic explosion of the World Gate‌. The release of mana resulted in a land-sundering blast, annihilating the entirety of the Imperium's‌ former capital virtually in an instant. The surrounding oceans flooded into the enormous crater, drowning whatever had the misfortune of surviving. In the aftermath, chaotic magic coursed and roiled, burning away for centuries with lethal lightning and wind storms.   When the wild magic began to calm to a simmer, life tentatively returned to the now flooded sea. With so much abundant mana freely about, however, mutations occurred rapidly and freely. The wildlife became monstrously distorted and violent, a serious problem for the more intelligent species poking around. Combined with the still-recurring mana storms, the aptly named Tyrant's Sea has ever remained a dangerously lethal sea to traverse.   Despite this, many try their hands at taming its wild waves.


Tyrant's Sea is violently dangerous to all forms of life, either in its storms or fearsome chaos beasts. While the mana pollution has, in the millennia since the explosion, died down and become 'safer', it is still nonetheless present. Wildlife and plant matter alike mutates in a matter of days, either adapting or dying to the local environment. As such, this adds another layer of demanding safety in order to see cargo and transportation through the area.   Many of the chaos beasts who live within the sea can only live there, as the ambient mana also keeps them alive. Thusly, they do not migrate into the neighboring seas or open oceans, making it a sort of microcosm.

Natural Resources

Tyrant's Sea represents grand trade opportunities to other foreign lands, with at least four continents and their nations eying it. There also remains the vast troves of unclaimed treasures from the former Imperium, sunken beneath the violent waves and guarded by fearsome sea creatures. Rumors abound of Imperious' secretive collection having become scattered as well, the closest guarded items and the desire of many would-be divers. To a lesser extent, the fishing waters in Tyrant's Sea also represent an opportunity, if one wishes to dine on sea abominations. Finally, mana crystals and other solidified forms of mana are in abundance here from the residue aftershocks of the World Gate explosion.
Alternative Name(s)
The Scar
Inland Sea


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