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History of Telarith

The following is a general history of Telarith, highlighting many major events and people during the world's long history.   For a good introduction to the creation of the universe, see here.   Note: Dates are set in correlation to the Great Darkness [BD=Before (the Great) Darkness; AD=After (the Great) Darkness, approximately 3,700 years ago or 3,700 BDP (Before Dark Portal) by Azeroth counting]

Before Darkness

... 0 BD

The time before the Great Darkness befell Telarith

  • Time Immemorial
    Taming of Telarith

    The early ages of the world of Telarith, and the battles between various cosmic forces over the world of Telarith.

  • Est. 100000 BD
    Splintering of the Raqui

    While the Whispering Ones and remained imprisoned, their servant races remained, and the Guardians continued their task of exterminating them, finding unexpected help from one of the Darkspawn races.

  • Est. 195000 BD
    Creation of the Anchors

    The Guardians, while having finished off the races of the Darkspawn, still have to contend with wild and ancient rifts between the various magical planes, allowing for dangerous magical elementals to be let loose upon the world. The wise Tethra devises a plan, and together with Ishra, Iiron, and Tysh’Al create several great Anchors, dotting the landscape. These anchors act to stabilize and channel excess magical energy, preventing any wild elementals from forming.

  • Est. 55000 BD
    The War of Titans
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Guardian Sa’judthus peers into the Ocean of Chaos for the first time and begins to experiment with it. Believing he can use it to gain strength and protect Telarith, Sa’judthus begins to become consumed and addicted by it. Over time, the influence of the remaining Whispering Gods and the constant barrages of nightmares from the Realm of Chaos corrupt the once noble Shyn'A. and the fall of the Pantheon. In despair and fear, he begins to believe that the only way to protect Telarith is to create an army of warriors infused with the primeval powers of Chaos. Thus began the War of Titans   Sa’judthus uses pure Chaotic magical energy and magic to create and twist an army of chaos Metalborn. Don’eli, the Guardian of the city of Maimo’ea, is the first to learn of Sa’judthus’ betrayal, but instead succumbs to his words and turns into the Fallen Lady. They raise a powerful army corrupted Metalborn and elementals, capturing and corrupting the Forge of Yyndareon. However, Yikt’Al rallies the rest of the Metalborn and with the rest of the Guardians, they defeat the dark armies. Sa’judthus is killed, though Don’eli disappears, and the Metalborn have suffered great losses. With the Forge of Yyndareon destroyed, the Metalborn cannot replenish their numbers, and only the Guardians Ishra, Tysh’Al, Tethra and Iiron remain.

  • Est. 12000 BD
    Splitting of the Aqui
    Population Migration / Travel

    The aqui begin to split, as one group spreads to the island of Mentalin. En’raka whispers to them in the guess of the Old Ones, and slowly transforms them over generations, preparing to nurture her own escape and create a race to serve her.

  • Circa 10500
    Rise of the Ca'carchar Empire

    The Ca'carcharde Empire begins to form, as they spread out across the oceans. They conquer their merfolk kin and begin to dabble in darker magic

  • Circa 9800 BD
    Breaking of Mentalin
    Disaster / Destruction

    The merfolk overthrow the ca'carchar, and use the ancient Titan device, the Tears of the Tide, causing the Breaking of Mentalin, creating the Mentalin Islands. The ancient mage Atargatis lenRana casts the Curse of Legs, which strips their enemies of much of their power and create the modern carchardons, who are reduced to tribal living. The merfolk then begins to form their own kingdoms.

    Mentalin Islands
  • -9341 BD

    Creation of the Aj'Ra
    Population Migration / Travel

    A group of aji settle near an the ruined titanborn city of Canaynor. Learning of ancient lore and magic, they cast the Great Shedding, becoming the aj’ra and naming the city Aj’Snaga.

  • -3590 BD

    -3430 BD

    The Conquest of Sothakar
    Military action

    The aj’ra, having expanded and formed a prosperous society, begin a conquest across the rest of Sothakar. Pushing out the aj’va and force the oroc'mac to retreat deeper into their swamp.

  • Circa 3500 BD
    Arrival of the Draenei
    Population Migration / Travel

    The draenei refugees of Argus attempt to land on Telarith on Alramaria, but are followed by the Burning Legion, which force them to flee. However, some draenei are trapped behind, and fight desperately alongside the Guardian Ishra. Tysh’Al helps Ishra create the Great Shield, a device that shields Telarith from being found or noticed by the Burning Legion. Together, they push the demons back, but Ishra sacrifices herself to close a portal to Telarith while in the Twisting Neather.

  • Circa 2000 BD
    Migration of the Teryn
    Population Migration / Travel

    Several teryns tribes leave their homeland and the Dawnstone in Askavos, traveling into and settling the continent of Telreymor.

After Darkness

1 AD and beyond

The currant age after the Great Darkness.

  • 9 AD

    Creation of the Kingdom of Telar

    Abrithas Ren’Vaeynal a hero of the Great Darkness, formally creates the great kingdom of Telar, which begins to enter a golden age, while the Aj’snagian Empire wanes.

  • 236 AD

    244 AD

    Forth War of Brothers
    Military action

    The Fourth War of Brothers is fought between rival princes of the Aj’snagian Empire, which leads to its fragmentation and eventual destruction by the oroc’mac and aj’va.

  • 299 AD

    Arrival of the Rai'lari
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The mysterious and mythical beings known as the "Purple Ones" or the rai'lari arrive on Telarith. What they were exactly and how they came are not entirely known. Some postulate they were gods or divine beings that descended from the heavens to gift terynkind. Most believe they were some sort of alien race not native to the world, that arrived due to a fluke in magic, a mystical portal, or even a deeper conspiracy.   Whatever the case, the traditional date for their arrival was on the 299 year after the Great Darkness. The Purple Ones quickly met and were welcomed by the five native teryn tribes. Within time, the two races intermarried, and their union produced diverse children. Intermixing over generations led to the eventual creation of raleryn race.

  • 546 AD

    Stirring of En'Raka
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Old God(ess) En'Raka begins to stir, and her bond seem to be breaking, as the carchardons had long served her purpose to free herself. To ensure she stays locked away, the naaru S’ava goes to the Mentalin Islands to be her jailer.

  • 1266 AD

    1358 AD

    Second Fel Uprising
    Military action

    The aj’ra mage Etsasya Ss'srackos discovers ancient secrets about the fel and flees to Telreymor. There, he creates a fel-enhanced army in the Second Fel Uprising, laying waste to much of the region, before his ultimate demise by one of his own pupils and an army of lithryns. The pupil, Chara Aarach’esa, secretly forms the Order of the Felguard, while the teryn kingdoms create the Justice-Bringers to combat wide threats like this.

    More reading
    Second Fel Uprising
  • 1370 AD

    1387 AD

    Third Fel Uprising
    Military action

    One of the pupils of Etsasya, Yssshark Motssloksh, continues his masters effort, invading the Aether Islands, in the Third Fel Uprising. However, he is defeated and killed and his army routed at the Battle of the Dawnsource.

  • 2185 AD

    Formation of the Great Khanate of the Plains
    Gathering / Conference

    The mighty oliogga warlord, Hooab Greatone, summons together all the great leaders of the Plainslands. He demands there submission, and defeats the sixteen leaders who refuse his rule. He proclaims himself as the High Khan of all oliogga, creating the Great Khanate of the Plains that will last for centuries.

  • 3020 AD

    3025 AD

    Conquest of Telreymor
    Military action

    The Second Ajaran Empire, at the height of its powers, it begins a swift and unexpected invasion of Telreymor be. The great royal family of Vaeyris is wiped out and kingdom of Telar falls to the aj'ra. Within only a few years, the powerful mages and skilled armies of the aj'ra wipe out all resistance, and in 3025 the kingdom of Telar formally surrendors and Tel Tela is captured. The land becomes a protectorate of the Ajaran Empire.

  • 3276 AD

    3294 AD

    The Great Teryn Rebellion
    Military action

    After more than 200 centuries of foreign rule, several armed resistance groups begin to band together and organize, creating a formal resistance. While small and outnumbered, they rally many noble-hearted teryns to their cause, in several frequent uprising pester the local government. The resistance, led by the noble Jaanai Ren'Jaanai, bolstered their ranks, and would grow into a full-grown rebellion.   For decades, open warfare between the aj'ra and the united teryns would continue. The costs were high, but due to imperial instability, valiant teryn soldiers, and a unified belief, the teryns were finally able to remove their serpentine masters, and free their land.

  • 3576 AD

    3582 AD

    The War of the Three Continents
    Military action

    The kingdoms of the three continents begin to grow weary of each other, as the reempowered Ajaran empire takes over all of Sothakar, while the kingdom of Telar rules most of Telreymor, and the oliogga unite again in Eaggami. Eventually, open conflict erupts after several assassinations, and the three continents fight a seven-year long war. This results in division between the many nations of the world.

  • 3627 AD

    3639 AD

    Colonization of Eaggami

    The nation of Nothrea, relishing in a short-lived unification and imperial golden age, expands establishes several major colonies and cities in Eaggami, seeking new lands and resources. However, they encounter fierce resistance from the local oliogga, who fight and eventually push them back. Further wars result in terrible losses for the sekryns, and set the precedence for the weakening of their empire.

  • 3715 AD

    Creation of Scaled Covenant

    In Sothakar, the aj'va rise up against the aj'ra, and firmly throw off any remaining imperial rule. The diverse tribes agree to form a political alliance, called the Scaled Covenant. By the end of the year, they welcome many oroc'mac into the Covenant as well, to defend against any further aj'ra advances.

  • 3717 AD

    3721 AD

    Creation of the Union and the Pact

    In the eastern realms, the oliogga of the Plainslands unite again under Basinosh Bloodhorn of the Wrath Bringers. They create the Eaggami Pact and push back all teryn and aj’ra colonizers. The Pact, surprising the teryns, and with the help of chippa inventors, invade Karmilea, and managed to advance quickly across the landscape. The fighting teryn nations are rallied under Issiach Alranade’esha, forming the temporary League of Allied Kingdoms, also known as the Great Union.

  • 3738 AD

    Rise of the Black Brother

    The Black Brothers, a shadow-worshiping cult, steadily spreads throughout Nothrea, slowly influencing nobles and the populous. It is also during this time that Nothrea formally leaves the Union, having had several political struggles and tensions with the nations to the south.

  • 3741 AD

    Abduction of Prince Anthismer

    A new age of war emerged after the baby Prince Anthisamar Minyat’esh Alranade’esha Lithranva is abducted by the Black Brothers. The child's guardian, Culumis Yyaros’esh manages to send him through a portal to Azeroth. This begins renewed conflict with Nothrea, as the king of Telar believes it was the actions of the sekryns. This war only bolsters the influence of the Black Brothers.

  • 3742 AD

    Fall of Nothrea
    Disaster / Destruction

    As the lithryns invade, the Black Brothers, after influencing the Princess Tethalyra Ambros’esha, choose her as their “chosen darkness” and turn her into the Void Queen. They stage a quick and swift coup, wiping out the royal family and forcibly affect civilians with shadow magic. The entire kingdom soon is perverted, corrupted by the void and its people corrupted into shadowy beings. After the Fall of Nothrea, the Union quickly reacted, with the Invasion of Nothrea. While making a headway, the forces of the Union are met at a standstill. There armies are stretched thin between the other major enemy factions, and the powerful void armies prove to be very difficult to combat. In addition, renewed threats from the Covenant and the Pact begin new conflicts in other territories.

  • 3746 AD

    3759 AD

    The Growing Shadow

    Various cults and dark factions spread and corrupt the nations of Telarith. Many leaders began to be swayed toward darker powers. Unbeknownst to most, the Old God En’Raka has been planning and manipulating most of this behind the scenes, gaining power while still contained in her prison. She instructs her followers to drain the light from the naaru S’ava.   This would be completed in 3748, when S'ava was reborn as a Void God loyal to En'Raka. The aj’va begin to succumb to the taint of the Old God, as due the oliogga and many sekryns, though they are unaware of it.   After years of war and unsteady peace, the great factions begin to fall apart, being divided and torn apart, with more and more coming into the service of En’Raka. However, a small, but growing number of individuals learn to En’Raka and her plan to dominate the world, and begin to stand against her.    Further divisions and plans continue, as the power of En'Raka grows. In 3759, to weaken the powerful kingdom of Telar, a civil war is instigated in the nation.

  • 3762 AD

    Return of the Prince

    The long-lost prince, Anthisamar Alranade’esha (Wyllium Dawnsword) returns to Telarith, initially overwhelmed, but he learns to his position of power. He manages to restore hope and stops the civil war, reuniting the kingdoms of the Union.