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Bending Reeds Tribe

An old tribe, Firbolg, specializes in medicinal plants, herbs, and potions. The most reclusive of the tribes and the least “barbaric,” preferring the nomadic lifestyle because it lends itself so well to foraging for seasonal plants and herbs that they use in their famous medicines and healing potions. In truth, they are only quasi-nomadic, as the elderly, very young, and infirm live in permanent villages close to the Forests of Pando, the Mirewood Swamps, and the Surassan Jungle, while those of strength and good health travel, bringing herbs and plants from one village to another to be processed, as well as attending the annual conclave as they feel called to provide healing services to their distant kin while the land sleeps. While most of the tribes worship Norok, the Bending Reeds Tribe prefers to worship Aaz.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Firbolg do not traditionally use names and prefer to refer to one another by references their actions and or role in the community. However, in order to communicate with the other tribes more easily, the individuals who attend the conclave of the tribes adopt elvish names for the duration. They are individual names only and do not indicate familial ties.
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