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The relatively large town of Centmoor is located at the northwestern border of the Surassan Jungle.


A myriad of races are found in the sprawling village of Centmoor; elves, dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, gnomes, halflings, Aarakocra, and more. Like the rest of Prehn, there aren't distinct socioeconomic classes -- all residents work and live together and create a prosperous community.


The local reeve is appointed by the people once every two years; this individual then acts as the spokesperson of the village when interacting with the Grand Arbiters. The reeve must record any and all instances of societal misconduct that warrant intervention by the Arbiters and will report these instances when the Arbiters make their biannual visit to the village. Fortunately, most issues are easily mediated by the community or the local clergy of the Timeless Ones. Centmoor is large enough to boast a small branch of the Circle of Stars, and if the conflict is serious enough, one of the members may be called upon to help resolve it.


A large palisade surrounds the village, though it isn't as well-tended as it could be. There is very little crime in Prehn, and it exists more to deter wild beasts rather than humanoids, and there are more than enough druids among the population to tame any beasts that wander too close. This is not to say that Prehnites are entirely unprepared when it comes to their own defense; Centmoor is large enough to host a small offshoot monastery of the Order of the Sun Soul which aids in the general defense of the village.


A mixture of hewn-timber cottages with thatch roofs and homes crafted of stone through druidic magic, as well as adobo/stucco homes made from the soil and grasses of the area.


Lightly forested and backed by rolling hills to the west and southwest that flatten out toward the central plains of Prehn.



Natural Resources

  • Timber
  • Grasses for weaving
  • Sheep and goats
  • Healing plants and herbs
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Prehnite, Centmoorian
Location under


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