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Welcome to the Primorian Continent

The Kingdom of Chalcedon

  A society that’s strayed from all but the most mechanistic gods, devoted to science, technology, alchemy, and the experimental arcane.
  The wealthy practitioners of arcane and divine magic, science and alchemy, live in glorious Skybound manors, compounds, and small cities, traveling by private and public skyship to and from the floating islands.
  The poor and unlearned live Loamside and subsist on farming. While they keep up appearances of worshiping the prescribed deities, many of them secretly turn to the old gods, and their priests are revered and protected, as are the exceptionally rare druids.
  A government controlled by battle mages and priests are threatened by a growing and increasingly powerful military and the middle class it’s engendered. The emergence of artificers, specifically artillerists, has deeply compromised the balance of power, threatening to send the long-established upper-crust plummeting back down to earth while the military stands to take control.
  Its patriotic appearance and the opportunity to get out of their situation has made the military a bit of a beacon for some Loamsiders, while others see it as another form of oppression, and a worse one since it usually results in death.

The Nation of Prehn

  A nature-worshipping society predicated on a symbiotic relationship between its people and its environment and deeply influenced by faith in the Timeless Ones, known as the Old Gods in Chalcedon.
  The Prehnites aren’t all druids — there are all kinds of people among them: wizards who have studied in long-established schools and tend to specialize in elemental-based magics; priests and clerics who follow the ways of the Old Gods; skilled warriors, rangers, and paladins who stand ready to defend the forests and people of Prehn; sorcerers who were born with the blessings of the Old Gods and have inherent power and ancient knowledge; warlocks who have made deals with some of the more sinister of the Old Gods to gain their power; rogues who have trained in the depths of the forest and learned to be as undetectable as the jungle cats that roam there; musicians and performers who study the music of the wind, trees, and burbling brooks; monks who dwell in secluded temples and attune themselves to the slow heartbeat of the earth; and even nomadic tribes whose ferocity is famous throughout the land.

The Conflict

  Chalcedon covets the Prehnite hardwood, stone, minerals, and gems that abound in that more mountainous region that forms a natural barrier between the two nations. They view the Prehnites as heathen savages who would benefit from the industrial hand of "civilization" and have created automatons to invade the country and subdue its inhabitants.
  At the end of the one-shot adventure, the party discovered that an automaton has been created and is in the testing phase; they killed its creator and escaped with a rogue group of Prehnites who had come to expose the inventor's genocidal intentions. They fled and went their separate ways, with only Wiinken Fizzlefern and Calico Jack choosing to become exiles in Prehn. Who will they meet in Prehn, and how will their stories progress?

Articles under Welcome to the Primorian Continent


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