Sirenswail Drop Geographic Location in The Rune-Lands of Tellurica | World Anvil

Sirenswail Drop

Sirenswail Drop is a cave system located about half a mile from the rocky coastline of the Ostorian Sea. The entry into the caverns is a sheer drop of around 80 feet located in a small gap between two hills. Fortunately for explorers (and survivors), there are a number of sturdy trees and rocks nearby that will support a rope to climb into or out of the cave itself.

The chamber one lands in is spacious, with a high ceiling and a sandy floor. There's even a breeze that often flows from deeper in the cavern. The breeze is the first of the tricks the caves are known for. It's often described as carrying familiar voices by those who have visited Sirenswail and managed to return; sometimes it bears enticing remembered aromas as well.

Cave System


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