Sinhtenians (Sinh's for short) are proud to be part of the greatest Megacorporation family, Sinhte.
Spread across seven systems of their motherland and with branch offices across the Reach, Sinhs have a clear identity and feel possibly more connected to each other than any other of the inhabitants of the Reach. Some say it is the nano technology that they all employ but their loyalty to each other and to the corporation is far more rooted into their society than that.
Depending on their abilities, requirements of the corporation and wishes, each Sihn is assigned to a career path under a division of the corporation. In most cases this is assigned to them around their 17th cycle and although it is possible to change, in most cases it is a choice that sticks. Changing between Divisions can get your rank lowered in the career ladder, which can impact your benefits and salary, but there are also occassions that opportunities arise to change division that also come with a lot of perks. Each Division is assigned a Letter that is represented on a Sihn's UIN.
Naming & UIN
The first part of each name is the title which has to do with the current function of the individual in the Sinhte society. Not everyone has a title and even those that do, not everyone is using it in daily basis
First Names
When a new Sinh comes to life, their parents give them a name, this name is historically the name of the father of one of the parents of the couple, and in most cases the one's with the higher First number.
Most names in Sinh society are gender neutral and they are generally mutations of the names of the Founders and the first employees of Sinhte, going back over 500 cycles.
Nicknames or Callsigns are quite often used in their unofficial capacity by peers to quickly refer to someone and they vary greatly depending on what the individual is known for.
Family Names
If one of both of the child's parents come from one of the 7 great lineages (Genetic Lineages of the Founders of Sinte) they tend to also use that name or names as a second name.
The 7 Lineages
The second part of a sinh's name is comprised of a long number that identifies who they are in a world of over 100 billion humans.The First Number
The first number represents a clear hierarchical level of an individual who is an employee-citizen of Sinhte.Division and Sub-divisions
The next letter define the Division the citizen belongs to and any other following letters define the Subdivisions.Career Achievement
The career achievement number fluctuates betwen 0 and 9 and defines the current rate of success of the citizen. a rate of 0 means in most cases disciplinary action and no chance of any growth while 9 means accelerated growth for exceptional performance. The number of career achievement is added with every monthly review on the citizen's career track.Career track
The career track defines the citizen's current state of growth and along with their first number definces their current monthly salary.Genome Number
The last set of numbers defines the Genome ID of the citizen and it is a unique number that remains unchanged during their life. The first part is their Birth Journey, the secone the Rotation, and the last is the Birthday increment which defines which birth they were on that specific date.Putting it all together
The full name of a citizen employee looks more or less something like that:
In official documents employees are referred by their Unique Genome number followed by their family name, if that name is part of the 7 major Lineages "1278.10.14123 Nayar"
Employees with number above ones own if they know someone, will refer to them by their rank and family name or nickname "Sergeant Nayar", "Hammer". if they do not and have not been introduced will use their family name followed by their first number and division "Nayar 91PN"
Peers (people of the same division and First number) tend to refer to others with their firstname and, if familiar with their nickname. "Hey George" or "Hey, Hammer!"
Employees of the same division with a lower first number refer to people by using their title and family name, "Sergeant Nayar, Sir"