
This small settlement lingers near a deep creek and mostly takes its wealth from the nearby wood.   Short History: Swiftwater was founded by the wealthy Lescroi family who built a lumber mill on the large creek and hired people to gather lumber. It has existed for about 100 years (5 human generations). Mostly peaceful for its history the largest problems the village has had to face were the animals of the nearby wood. Recently however the villagers have begun erecting a palisade to prevent invasion by outsiders.   People of Note:
  • Mayor Claudia Lescroi: The youngest half orc daughter of the local lord (Malcom Lescroi) Claudia is a nice and kind person who cares deeply for the people of Swiftwater. She is married to Gregory Thompson, and has no children.
  • Lord Malcom Lescroi: The human lord of the village, he owns the lumber mill and employs a great deal of the villagers. He occupies a manor house near the town with his wife and their loyal servants.
  • Lady Sylvia Lescroi: Lord Malcom's orcish wife, she comes from a faraway region and is a kind and joyous person, she has always been willing to listen to villagers who have been having a tough time. Recently however she hasn't been seen around town.
  • Sheriff Dahlia Lescroi: The half orc local law enforcement Dahlia is a stern and focused person who ony tolerates infractions of the local law in extraordinary circumstances. She cares very deeply for justice and for the safety of the townsfolk
  • Wesley Lescroi: The operator of the, a handsome and harsh man who values profits over people. He is lord Malcom's only son, he is a half orc.
  • Winston Lescroi: The leader of the lumberer's guild in the area, he is a approachable man who cares more for his people than he does for the company's profits. He is a cousin of Malcom Lescroi.
  • Steven Lescroi: The young owner of the Swooping Talon tavern, he is the nephew of Lord Malcom Lescroi. He is a short man who tries to make sure that the people of the village are always able to find a place to have a warm meal and a stiff drink.
  • Clara Besten: The old half elven owner of the Hook and Stem general store. She has been here since near the founding of swiftwater and has been a very kind woman who helps new family's get settled in the village.
  • Thaddius Crisp: A young halfling man who has taken over the local black- and greysmith shop. His past is shrouded in some mystery, but rumor has it that he bears strange markings on his back.


Mostly human, with a mix of others




Half constructed wooden pillisade

Industry & Trade

Raw and refined timber






Short History: Swiftwater was founded by the wealthy Lescroi family who built a lumbermill on the large creek and hired people to gather lumber. It has existed for about 100 years (5 human generations). Mostly peaceful for its history the largest problems the village has had to face were the animals of the nearby wood. Recently however the villagers have begun erecting a pallisade to prevent invasion by outsiders.
Founding Date
Imperial Calender 2209

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