

  Amiri often claims to wield the power of giants and indicates her oversized sword as proof. Despite her bravado and fearlessness, she has an equally large need to prove her strength and find a place to belong.   Treat her with respect, she comes to see starts to see you as family and eagerly protects this family and their kingdom with all her considerable ferocity.   Amiri’s sense of unbelonging and her preoccupation with establishing her physical prowess is a direct result of her childhood. She grew up as a member of the Six Bears following in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. As with all Mammoth Lord followings, the Six Bears had their own specific traditions and beliefs, but it was the Six Bears’ male-dominated gender roles that Amiri found herself clashing against more and more often as she grew older. With little personal experience to draw upon, Amiri continued to break Six Bears tradition and challenge those gender roles,and eventually a group of particularly intolerant kin arranged for her final initiation to be one they hoped would end in her death.   But Amiri returned from that challenge triumphant, having claimed an immense sword—a frost giant’s blade—as her trophy. When she learned that the Six Bears hadn’t expected her to return at all—that members of her own following had hoped for her death—she fell into a rage and killed the conspirators.   As the Six Bears forbade kin slaying (hence why Amiri was sent on a “suicide mission” rather than directly challenged), Amiri realized that she could never return home and so set her eyes south. She’s been wandering ever since, until the day she met the PCs and learned of their plans to start a new kingdom.   Amiri never speaks of her childhood save to her most trusted friends—and even then, she often notes that some things are better left unsaid. Amiri is mostly muscle and bravery, with little patience for academics, intrigue, or indirect approaches, and she abhors cowards. Often hot‑tempered and full of impulsive bravado, she’s perfectly aware of how strong and tough she is, and she’s always ready to prove her bravery and might.   No one would be faulted for thinking the boastful, brawny, bull-headed barbarian fears nothing—she hides her insecurities about her past and fear of belonging nowhere well. Her confidence in her own abilities can be, at times, misplaced, but Amiri is not foolhardy. Faced with a situation where brute force won’t prevail, her typical response is to seek other methods of success while continuing to build up her skill and power—if the alternate plan doesn’t work, at least she has been preparing herself for the forceful tactic all along. Amiri values her oversized sword, and isn’t easily persuaded to wield another weapon, although she will if tactics demand it. She dismisses any concern about whether she can wield the bastard sword effectively, letting her results in battle speak for themselves.   Once Amiri feels trusted and respected, she is one of the most loyal companions anyone could ask for.


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