Arcwheel Cart

Arcwheel carts are the vehicles that provide smooth and swift transportation of goods through the city of Rhajada. They traverse along the network of enchanted rails that was laid in the city with remarkable efficiency. This network of rails and the carts on them are considered one of the largest modern magitech structures in the world. The network of the rails aligns with the major roads of Rhajada and consists of three concentric rings and eight spokes that go from the inner ring to the outer ring along the cardinal directions. At every crossing there is a station where carts can be loaded, redirected or unloaded.

Cargo Carts

Arcwheel carts can only be activated when in direct contact with the specially laid rails. The contact between the wheels and the rails is the first part which completes the intricate Magitech circuitry and activates the enchantments which propels the carts. The second part to complete the circuitry is a piece of metal called the 'directional rune', this coin sized piece of metal provides the directions for the cart, so that it does not require an operator. The carts are small and narrow, typically 5ft. long, 3ft. wide and up to 5ft. high. They are designed specifically to smoothly navigate the busy streets of Rhajada. To prevent theft, the carts are locked with an enchantment which allows them to only be opened in one of the distribution stations. When a cart eventually arrives at one of these stations, it is unloaded after which the goods can be retrieved by the recipient. The ingenious design as well as the proper maintenance of the network has made it possible for merchants and traders to rely on the arcwheel carts to transport their valuable cargo to various markets and districts within the city.

Clean Trackrecord

Safety was always a top priority with the introduction of arcwheel carts in the city, this is why the amount of carts has been limited to not disturb the flow of the streets too much. To prevent collisisions with objects or pedestrians, the circuitry of the cart is automatically blocked when near a living person. This also prevents the carts from being used as a method of personal transport. Additionaly, if a foreign object touches the rails the local circuitry is also disturbed, effectively this makes it so that a cart will move up to the point of an obstacle, but go no further. To prevent congestion, the rails are meticulously cleaned and maintained by engineers to ensure the safety of both cargo and citizens, but there are many people who will remove a piece of trash from a rail purely out of kindness.
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