Blue Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir

Uncommon Potion

Dragonborn Form. This potion has a smell of cinnamon, spices and petrichor. The liquid leaves a bit of a tingling feeling in your mouth.   After you drink this potion, you transform into a Black Dragonborn for the next hour. Your size becomes Medium, your base walking speed becomes 30ft. and you gain resistance to Lightning damage.   Additionally, you can use an action to exhale lightning in a 5ft. by 30ft. line. Each creature in the area has to make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save a creature takes 2d6 Lightning damage. On a failed save they take half damage. You can use this feature once through the magic of this potion.   You keep all of your own proficiencies, features, abilities and characteristics during this transformation. This potion only affects humanoids, if you are already a Blue Dragonborn, this potion has no effect on you.
Variant of
Kinshape Elixir


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