Ilyana Dur'mel

Ilyana Dur'mel is the High priestess of the Mother and the right hand to the High King of Wolfsbrunn, Volodar Osseus. She has an important duty as a diplomat throughout the kingdom and has served the temple of The Three and the royal family since the age of 30.


Ilyana has a reputation amongst the nobility of the Kingdom of Wolfsbrunn. In many cities she is respected for her position, whilst in others she is feared. Either way, the lady Dur'mel knows to influence situations one way or another. Because of this, the High King has sent her to negotiate with bordering nations when it was needed as well as visiting other cities in the kingdom in his stead, to maintain the relationships and bonds that hold the kingdom together. Stolz, the Duke of Rornach is suspicious of her behavior and influence and has declared behind closed doors, that it seems that wherever she goes, chaos is sure to follow.


To the citizens of Wolfsbrunn and those close to Ilyana in her past, she was known to be a gifted child. Talented in the ways of the divine as well as the arcane. In 6638 AV the adventuring group Semper Solari found out that the lady Dur'mel had a twin sister: Eldrisa Dur'mel. It is not known amongst the people that Kavu Bisonhorn killed Eldrisa, who was responsible for the dissappearance of his clan and other people. She was later brought back to life by Ilyana.  
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Ginger, Undercut, Braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Eldrisa Dur'mel(Twin)

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