Innovation Symposium

The Innovation Symposium is the biennial festival held in Rhajada, the capitol of the Empire of the Jade Eye is a celebration of all forms of academia. During this event, academics, scholars, master craftspeople and other members of high society come together to showcase and present their work, share ideas, develop new ideas and celebrate achievements. Individuals from across the empire, and even the rest of the world will come to the city for this event.

Carefully Curated.

The event usually takes about seven to ten days in total, and requires immense planning and preparation in advance. Most of this work is done primarily by the curators of the athaneums within the Imperial Academies and starts almost 2 years in advance. They are responsible for planning and creating the many exhibitions, workshops and lectures during the event and staying in close contact with other scholars throughout the process so that new additions can be made to the festival. Everything is closely monitored by the Savantium and the entire program including the most minute details of each individual academy has to be officialy approved by the savants of that academy.

Inspire to Innovate

The symposium serves as a method to inspire the public of the empire as well as to break the barriers between the common folk and the academic world. The festivities reach far beyond the walls of the Imperial Iris and it is a time of celebration throughout the empire. However, it is not only a place where great achievements are shown off and showcased to the public, but also where new ideas are born during that exchange of knowledge. Seeing the work of others and discussing theoretical or practical ideas with other academics or even commoners during the event has often lead to greater innovations and progress within the empire.
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