Kalaera - Tamer of Clouds

Artifact, Wondrous Item
Requires attunement

This fan used to belong to the goddes Zevira when she roamed the material plane. With it she was able to guide the clouds and winds of the world and even conjure mighty storms to smite her foes and enemies. The weapon was gifted by Zevira to one of her clerics befor the departure of the Divines from the material plane, but after the creation of The Veil, the fan lost most of its divine power. The fan had been passed through time, but was supposedly lost in the same flood that destroyed the town of Kaepolis.
  Piercing Storms. You can make a melee weapon attack with this fan. You may use your Dexterity or your Strength modifier for this attack and gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. On a successful hit the target takes 2d10+2 Lightning damage.
  Thunderous Clouds. You can make a ranged weapon attack with this fan to a target you can see within 120ft. of you. You may use your Dexterity or your Strength modifier for this attack and gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. On a successful hit the target takes 2d10+2 Thunder damage.
  Weathermaster. While attuned to this fan you gain the following benefits:
  • You gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and your spell save DC.
  • You have resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage.
  • Your vision cannot be obscured by natural or magical clouds, fog and rain.
  • You have advantage on Nature checks to investigate weather conditions.
  • You can cast the Windwalk spell once per day without expending a spell slot.
  •   Tempestuous Temperament. Whenever you are hit by an attack that exceeds your AC by more than 5, you have to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 25). On a failed save you take 8d8 Psychic damage. On a successful save you take half damage. If you are hit by a critical attack you take double damage and all creatures within 10ft. of you also have to make a Dexterity saving throw as your body erupts in a thunderous blast. On a failed save they take 8d8 Thunder damage. On a succcessful save they take half damage.
    Kalaera - Tamer of Clouds
    Alternative Names
    Fan of the Divine Winds
    The Cloudparter


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