Rainbow Jade

Rainbow jade is a rare and coveted gemstone that was first discovered in Tuantiro. It is commonly found in volcanic rock across Azuno. The stone is commonly enchanted through Crystal Infusion or Runic Inscription to hold, contain or release arcane power.

Powered by Jade

This beautiful deep green gemstone shines in many iridescent hues in the light but what is so unique about rainbow jade is its capability to absorb arcane powers. By its very nature, it functions as a kind of reservoir for magical energies but these properties can be enhanced by skilled enchanters. If properly Enchanted, the gemstone absorbs ambient arcane energies from its surroundings or more directly from an individual channeling their own arcane powers into it. The stone can then release this energy through another enchantment or as a source of power for a Magitech device or construct. As such, the stone provides a relatively sustainable and reliable source of power for these types of inventions.

Anti-Magic Stone

The Rainbow jade's inherent ability to absorb magic also grants it a unique role in countering and nullifying spells and magic. The Jadeans have developed the rainbow jade's ability to absorb magic further to create anti-magic fields with it. By manipulating the inherent properties of rainbow jade and enchanting it with strong abjuration magic, the stone can neutralize or absorb magical energies in the surrounding area. These anti-magic fields act as protective barriers and can be found throughout the cities of the Empire of the Jade Eye. It is commonly believed that the empire, as well as the title of its ruler (The Jade Eye), have found its origin the name of the gemstone that gave the nation the power to counter and contain the arcane energies of Azuno.
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