
Spellspinning is a specific type of spinning to create Spellthread. It involves several steps similar to regular spinning, but incorporates some advanced methods and arcane tools to reach the desired results.

Fiber Preparation

A spellspinner first selects a material of their choice, which depends on the type of thread they wish to create. Wool, flax and bamboo are very common base materials, but other types of animal and plant fibers can be used as well. In any case, the spellspinner has to judge and curate the quality of the material carefully to ensure the quality of the spellthread. After selecting the material the spinner will clean it and discard any fibers with impurities. After which the fibers are properly prepared for spinning. This typically involves combing or carding the fibers to align them in a single direction, which makes them easier to spin into a smooth and even thread. A spellspinner may choose to comb the thread using a comb of a specific material or enchanted with a specific type of magic.   The best moment to dye the material that will be spun into a thread depends on the type of material being used and the desired final color of the thread. If the material is wool or another type of animal fiber, it is generally best to dye it before it is spun into a thread. This is because the fibers of these materials are more absorbent and will take the dye more evenly when they are in a loose, unbonded state. If the material being used is plant fiber, such as flax or bamboo, it may be best to dye it after it has been spun into a thread as these fibers are less absorbent and may not take the dye as evenly in their loose state. Dyeing the thread after it has been spun allows for more control over the final color and can help to ensure an even, consistent result. At the same time that the material is dyed, it can also be soaked in specific oils or liquids. Some spellspinners choose to enchant the material through alchemical transference by soaking it in alchemical compounds at this stage.

Spinning the Thread

Once the fibers are prepared, the spinning process can begin. The method differs slightly depending on the material, but typically the fibers are drawn out into a thin, even strand, which is then twisted and wrapped around a spindle or wheel to create the thread. Advanced spellspinning requires special spinning wheels or spindles to twist the fibers together and create a continuous and even specialized thread.   Some spinning wheels allow the spinner to spin other materials into the thread, this can be anything from ashes or salt to precious metals like gold or silver and the dust of gemstones or crystals. Some advanced spellspinners may use multiple spinning wheels or spindles to create even more complex and powerful spellthreads For example, a spinner may use a regular spinning wheel or spindle to spin a base thread from the animal or plant fibers, this is commonly referred to as the carrier thread. A second enchanted spinning wheel that pulls metal into a thin strand can then combine it with the carrierthread to spin a precious metal into the thread to create a multi-layered thread.   Master spellspinners sometimes use a collection of wheels just to create a single multi-layered thread. Multi-layered and imbued threads made in this way are highly prized by enchanters that use these threads for to create powerful enchantments through the art of spell stitching or transcendental weaving. Other complex spinning methods may involve the use of special incantations or spells to enchant the thread through Arcane Impartment, or the incorporation of rare and exotic materials that are difficult to obtain or work with which each have their own special properties and applications.
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Spell Stitching
Transcendental Weaving


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