Oliver McKinney

Oliver McKinney

TW: Arachnophobia, Entomophobia, Death, Violence

Born and raised to be true to himself, Oliver McKinney is a wildcard through and through. He plays by his own rules and is not one to be messed with, especially when someone tries to bark orders at him. While Oliver has an unmatched temper and always seems to start fights with arogant people, he can be quite the useful team member. Some might call him a "jack of all trades, master of none," which comes in handy whenever new dangers present themselves.   His unnatural talents of being a hybrid improve his strength, helping to overcome some of the worst predicaments he ends up in. Some unique hybrid abilities is being able to summon fox ears and a long bushy fox tail when his emotions take over, such as when he is angry or said. Sometimes, when he his happy, his tail will wag like an overexcited kit! Just don't anger this little firecracker of an ass-kicker.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oliver is said to have pale olive beige skin with freckles adorning his cheeks and nose, and nowhere else on his small, lean body. As he wears a ton of hoodies, it is rare to see his natural muscles. So people are often suprised when they see Oliver is semi-muscular. He has dark hair that resembles a chopped up mop, and a pair of dark brown eyes that seem to peer into your soul.  
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
When Oliver shapeshifts into his fox-like wolf form, he has blue-black fur with black fur around muzzle, paws, and underbelly. His eyes have even changed to a set of flames on the edge of the iris and black slit and circle pupil fused into one. He's quite large for his size, standing as tall as a werewolf and containing quite the similar attributes, such as strength and speed. While he doesn't always shift into his fox form, he can summon just his fox ears or tail when emotionally over-charged. As long as his fox ears are out, Oliver's human ears have disappeared.

Special abilities

Oliver is one of the rare people who are not a werewolf, werefox, shapeshifter, or a half-shifter that can shift into another creature. When Oliver shifts, he takes on the form of a giant fox with blazing red fiery eyes.   One of Oliver's other abilities is his Insectoid Arcana. Since Oliver is an aspiring entomologist, he knows insects like the back of his hand, including arachnids. Oliver's unique arcana allows him to telepathically communicate with insects and arachnids while also being able to wildshape into them, whether partially or wholly. Insects are also drawn to him like a moth to a flame, but without the danger involved.   Another ability is that Oliver can mimic fae-like arcana. He rarely uses this, knowing that is drains him and has managed to leave him knocked unconscious for a few days. When using this ability, Oliver can either curse or help an individual, but the effects are weakened and not as strong as if a pure fae was using the ability.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oliver was born on the 23rd of Floduz, 3080 EoND along with his triplet siblings, Dawn McKinney and Cole McKinney. Out of the three of them, he was considered the troublemaker, somehow always finding a way to scare his parents half to death. One of his favorite things to do was get into dangerous chemicals; his parents once watched him get a hold of bleach and start drinking. Even with taking him to the doctor, there were zero signs of harm done to his body.  
baby oliver by Amelia Nite
When he turned three-years-old, Oliver grew an interest in insects and picked up on the scariest aspects about them. Then, he turned four and Oliver had mastered the art of mimicing insect noises, much to Dawn's terror. Little did his parents realize that Oliver was talking to insects when he made these noises. Insects became a common sight around the home, and Oliver would scream and cry anytime his parents killed an insect, even when he did not see it; Oliver could sense the insect's life fading, causing immense pain in his soul.   He eventually snuck away from his parents one evening, drawn toward the shipyard. The sound of chittering insects could be heard only to him. A tall crate was left unattended by staff and Oliver crawled inside of it, noticing all the small insectariums. He was mesmirized by their beauty. Each insect was unique, their exoskeletons' glimmering in the dim light. One stood out — a black Funnel-web spider. Oliver carefully took off the lid and put his hand into the enclosure, chittering to the spider in the hopes that it wouldn't harm him. To his amazement, the spider crawled into his hand, revealing a white sac in the enclosure. The sac was beginning to open, revealing the hundred or so babies inside. With joy, Oliver held out his hand and a few of the babies crawled onto him.   When his parents found him, they were startled by the insects crawling on him. They immediately called for help. It took them several minutes to get the spiders off Oliver, but the young kid was happy to have played with them. He was looked over to see if he had been bitten. When given the all clear, his parents paid for any damages and grounded Oliver for scaring them so badly.   By the time they got home, they were shocked to discover Oliver playing with a really tiny spider that Oliver called "Funnel". What really pushed them into another panic attack was this was a baby funnel-web and that Oliver wasn't showing zero signs of distress. Reluctantly, they let him keep the spider after Oliver convinced them that he was immune to poison (he had already tested it when he was three with the bleach).   Around this time, Oliver started showing signs of being autistic. His parents had him tested and he came back as having "Level 1 ASD". This caused their entire routine to change as it finally explained Oliver's obsessive behaviors with various subjects, such as insects and dinosaurs. (Go ahead, ask him anything pretaining to such topics. I dare you.)   While Oliver could communicate regularly with people, he was the typical shy kid and stayed by himself, rarely talking to anyone but his siblings. By the time Oliver was 11-years-old, he had a hard time speaking to people naturally, other than his family and Funnel, who he considered as his brother.   When Cole was eleven, he ran away, believing himself to be a burden on his family. He managaged to sneak down into District 4, Sector 5 of Eternis Port before his parents realized the next morning. Oliver and Dawn went searching for him while the authorities were notified. Oliver searched the lower Districts, as they were considered more dangerous, while Dawn took to looking through their District.  
Oliver McKinney with ears screenshot.png
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
By the time Oliver returned, the authorities had found Cole and were teasing him as his tics were getting out of control from anxiety. Oliver lashed out, earning both of them a one night stay in the jail house, while the authorities pretended they were still out there searching. Oliver asked Cole to let him use a Wish to escape, and Cole granted it. Their get-out-jail-free card quickly ran out and Oliver and Cole were on the run. They returned home, where their parents were elated to see them. The authorities arrived and their parents were forced to pay a fine for Oliver and Cole's scheme. Mom and Dad faced the major consequences and bills began to pile up. The only way out was for Mom and Dad to sell themselves into the slave labour force that Eternis Port used at the shipyard.   He is now fourteen, were the story of Soul Shattered, book one of the Shadows Saga, begins....

Gender Identity

Oliver has known for years that he is genderfluid. Regardless how much Oliver knows someone, he doesn't reveal his gender unless he is truly comfortable, as he has a fear of their rejection. A select few have had the graces to learn of him being genderfluid — his parents, siblings, and Funnel.


Oliver is openly gay. Though, he is also demisexual. While some people will mock him for his sexuality, Oliver is not ashamed by it. He can find men attractive, but the desire if sex isn't there. Not even with Oliver's best friend, Asher Blood, whom he finds quite handsome.


Oliver has gotten very little education due to the system that is in place on Eternis Port. Oliver doesn't mind as he only needs to study about insects to make it through. He has plans for when he gets older — get off Eternis Port and travel to another planet where he can learn about the insects on that planet and become an entomologist.


"What's Oliver like when he's angry, you ask? He's a feral goblin with violence in his heart."
Oliver McKinney magick-portrait.png
by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
To put it short, Oliver has a temper, which cannot be rivaled when his mate or family is in danger. His temper tends to land him in sticky situations that can be more harmful than good, such as starting fights with authoritative figures and calling people out for cowardice. The only things that calm him down are his parents, his siblings, Funnel, and Deidrick Howl (his mate).   Even though his temper is a large part of him, Oliver is an overly emotional teenager. Whether he's getting an attitude or reacting to something that is emotionally damaging to him. For all of his life, Oliver was forced to kept to the shadows and never draw attention to himself. With only his parents and Funnel at his side, he didn't have anyone to rely on outside of his normal routine and household. While this doesn't condone his volitile reactions to those around him when they upset him, people should, at least, try to understand why Oliver acts the way he does.   Normally, Oliver is willing to comply by his family's rules, yet he started growing desperate for friendships after meeting Deidrick. Insecurity weighs heavily upon his mind as he contains a fear of being rejected by anyone, especially his mate. Getting close to a pack could result in people being in danger because of him. So, Oliver has trained his mind to rationalize that being a loner would be better and that his mate would be better off without him. The further he is from people, the better off they are. That would have saved his parents, right?   After the demise of his parents, Oliver slipped into a mindset that all rogues are after him and the packs would banish him the second they found out his heritage. Trusting others is out of the question, and if someone betrays him after earning his trust, it takes a good long while before Oliver will ever feel safe enough to trust them again. His sensitivity also gets him into trouble, so he tries to bury it underneath a layer of his anger to keep him protected. This is usually why he's so destructive with his attitude.

Mental Trauma

Oliver and Deidrick by Amelia Nite
From all the bullying, Oliver grew into a traumatized teenager with trust issues. He cannot handle being close to others and rarely shows his true feelings toward someone. It took Deidrick pestering Oliver nonstop before Oliver even glanced twice at him.   The physical bullying he received from the people in his district left him with an ax to grind. It is one of the main reasons his anger started to bottle up until it exploded. Because of this, Oliver realized he couldn't hold his anger back, so he always lets his anger out, even on unsuspecting people.  
"Hurting Oliver is the least of my worries. He can easily rip my intact spine out through my neck."
Deidrick Howl

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

by Amelia Nite
Oliver is a pro at cooking, just like his granddad. While it is embarrassing when he's outted, he can still cook. His only problem is trying to keep a lid on it, so nobody tries to exploit him or make fun of him.  
by Mike Gray
Anything having to do with insects (such as Funnel or Zairtah, whom he gets in book 2 of the Shadows Saga), he will know about it. Now, if they are poisonous or deadly in some other way, Oliver will be keen to own one since he's immune to poison/venom.   Training is a great source for Oliver to blow off steam, but fighting in general is what he's best at. People piss him off all the time, so he's ready to get dirty and spill some blood (preferably the other person's blood).


Hobbies & Pets

by Didier
by Heather McLennan (Australian Museum)
He enjoys using insectoid arcana as his ultimate favorite thing to do since he can grow bug appendages! However, most people are frightened of insects, so Oliver keeps this part of himself locked away and uses it when circumstances call for it.   Whether Oliver admits it or not, he is a pro with video gaming. Speedruns in horror games are his favorite things to do while gaming, as it is one way he can let loose his pent up energy. Oliver also chooses to stay under the radar so he doesn't get caught by those who either a) don't wish for a hybrid to exist, or b) would do whatever it takes to control a hybrid as their personal weapon.


Oliver McKinney

mate (Vital)

Towards Deidrick Howl



Deidrick Howl

mate (Vital)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Oliver McKinney

best friend (Important)

Towards Asher Blood



Asher Blood

friend (Vital)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Oliver McKinney

student / adopted kid (Important)

Towards Dr. Warrick



Dr. Warrick

mentor (Important)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Cole McKinney

younger triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Oliver McKinney

older triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Cole McKinney



Oliver McKinney

younger triplet brother (Vital)

Towards Dawn McKinney



Dawn McKinney

older triplet sister (Vital)

Towards Oliver McKinney



Table of Contents

Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
23rd of Floduz
Year of Birth
3080 EoND 14 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Deidrick Howl (mate)
Cole McKinney (younger triplet brother)
Dawn McKinney (older triplet sister)
He / She / They
MALE (Currently presents as....)
Human: Dark brown
Hybrid: Flames on the edge of the iris; black slit and circle pupil fused into one
Black; short, shaggy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Skin: Pale olive with freckles adorning cheeks and nose
Fur: Blue-black fur with black fur around muzzle, paws, and underbelly
5'2" (157 cm)
Known Languages

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)
Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)


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