Hlal (huh-LAL)

(a.k.a. Aasterinian, Avachel)

Hlal was the chaotic good dragon goddess of humor, inventiveness, and pleasure. Of all the dragon gods, she was the most friendly to non-dragons, and her symbol, a single white flame, represented the light of wit. In the Outer Planes she was more commonly known by the name of Aasterinian and was often regarded as chaotic neutral in alignment. She was Asgorath's messenger, although she was known for being an unreliable messenger. The Jester also had a male aspect known as Avachel or Quicksilver, who featured prominently in elven legends.  


Hlal delighted in wordplay and sophisticated humor, and she was playful, stubborn and vain. She enjoyed being shocking and innovative, and shared stories and songs with those who appreciate such things, regardless of the listener's race or background. She valued diversity of experience, learning, and innovation, and loved all who enjoy such things. She accepted all dragonblooded creatures, spellscales being exceptionally amusing to her.

Baser humor, however, usually pranks, proved irresistible to her, especially if the victim took her pranks seriously. She was also happy disturbing the status quo and was easily distractable by doing such things. Myths told that Hlal played a particularly elaborated practical joke on Null; she barely managed to stay one step ahead of the angry Deathwyrm since.  


Hlal was revered by some brass, copper and faerie dragons who appreciated and identified with her sense of humor. These species didn't worship Hlal alone, however, unless they devoted their entire lives to jokes. Spellscales found Hlal the most compatible deity for them.

Her followers enjoyed friendly relationships with those of Erevan Ilesere, Garl Glittergold, and similar deities. Hlal's clerics were also often bards who used music, poetry, and tall tales to spread her faith. They wandered the lands and usually traveled in disguise or secrecy. Most of her clerics were draconic or half-dragon humanoids.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Luck

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hlal manifested in whatever form suit her purposes at any given moment. If she was not in the process of playing a trick on someone, she usually manifested as a faerie dragon that glowed with a yellowgold aura or as a happy looking copper dragon.

As Aasterinian, she always manifested as a huge brass dragon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the Second Sundering, Hlal's divinity came into question.


Contacts & Relations

Besides Asgorath, Hlal was the bonded companion of Erevan Ilesere. In her aspect of Aasterinian they were almost never separated, and their legendary adventures often inspired young elves to emulate their daring exploits.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Messenger of Asgorath
The Jester
The Pursued


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