
Surtur also seen as Surtr, was worshiped as the giant god of the fire giants.


Nearly all of Surtur's worshipers were giants. A select few members of other races were known to have earned his approval, but they concealed their devotion to the giant lord.

Surtur taught that fire was pure, cleansing, and strong. The weak and impure burned, while the strong survived. Fire was useful as a tool, but must be respected. It was dangerous when uncontrolled.

Fire giant priests were normally architects or smiths. Those few who weren't were charged with the responsibility of keeping the rest of the tribe productive, largely by recounting inspirational tales.

Clerics of Surtur wore war helms and iron plate. Their colour was fiery red, and Surtur's favoured weapon was the greatsword.

Surtr's temples in the lands of men were hidden affairs. Those that were not hidden were huge buildings ringing with the sounds of forges and storing weapons in preparation for the battle at the end of the world. Visitors had only a few seconds to prove their intentions before the fire giants attacked. Fire giants did not enjoy leaving witnesses to their activities.

Divine Domains

Forge, Order, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Flaming sword

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Surtur looked like an immensely large fire giant with crackling flames in place of hair and eyebrows.

Specialized Equipment

Surtur's signature weapon was a greatsword, wreathed in flame and 15 feet (4.6 meters) in length. He was also known to wear iron armor that was incredibly hot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Surtur, a son of Annam, was part of the second generation of giantish deities, born at about the same time as Skoraeus Stonebones and Thrym.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Lawful evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Fire Giants


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