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Sarlaccs are dangerous, carnivorous creatures located on Tatooine and several other planets throughout the galaxy. It shared common ancestry with other species, including the rathtar, blixus, and vixus. One sarlacc that lived in the Great Pit of Carkoon in Tatooine's Dune Sea served as one of Jabba the Hutt's favorite pets and a means of execution.  

Biology and AppearanceĀ 

Sarlaccs began their lives as spores and were able to travel great distances. When a male and female encountered one another, the smaller male would parasitically feed off the female, diminishing her size while increasing his own. Once the male reached the female's original size, he would burst, releasing millions of spores into the air and atmosphere. Once sarlaccs reached their maturity after 30,000 years, they would burrow themselves nearly 100 meters below the surface, feeding on creatures and humanoids unfortunate enough to fall into their mouths. Victims of the sarlacc would be overcome with toxic fumes and would either die from suffocation, the acid or both. According to Jabba the Hutt, prey were allegedly digested for millennia due to the creature's weak stomach acid. However, it is unknown if this was a fabrication by Jabba to intimidate those who were to be executed, It would seem that the creature did have a slow digestive system as during Boba Fett's escape, he spotted the body of a Stormtrooper that was likely part of the search party years before. Despite this, the stomach acid of the sarlacc was still potent enough to have dissolved holes in the stormtrooper's armor and scar Boba Fett after only hours of exposure, the stormtrooper was also dead, meaning regardless of how slow the digestion is, prey would not survive long before either suffocating or being dissolved.   300 feet in height, its entire body was buried in sand, save its massive mouth and beaked tongue. The sarlacc had several appendages that branched off from its buried body, and many stomachs. The creature swallowed its prey whole, and its mouth contained rows of hundreds of spear-like teeth, which kept the victim from climbing back out.


Biological Classification

Designation: Non-Sentient  

Physical Characteristics

Average Height: 10 Feet Wide   Average Length: 328 Feet   Skin color: Tan   Distinctions: Tentacles & Beak  

Sociocultural Characteristics

Homeworld: Felucia, I'vorcia Prime, Tatooine, Vodgran   Diet: Carnivorous

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