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Tatooine is a sparsely inhabited circumbinary desert planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Part of a binary star system, the planet was oppressed by scorching suns, resulting in the world lacking the necessary surface water to sustain large populations. As a result, many residents of the planet instead drew water from the atmosphere via moisture farms. The planet also had little surface vegetation. It is the homeworld to the native Jawa and Tusken Raider species.   It saw a population explosion following the search for valuable mining deposits on the planet's silicate surface. Finding the ore to have unwanted metallurgic properties, mining firms left the planet en masse, leaving behind valuable equipment, most notably large sandcrawlers, which were later used by the Jawa population. The planet then became a haven for smugglers and criminal activity, and fell under the influence of the Hutt Clan while scattered, isolated settlements of hard-working in


Tatooine orbited twin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II. The whole planet was covered in harsh deserts, and only a small part of its northern hemisphere could sustain intelligent life. The landscape was covered with sand dunes, mountains, and canyons, which made traversing the planet very difficult.


Deserts / wasteland


It was homeworld to the native Jawa and Tusken Raider species—and presumably with vast oceans of surface water and lush rainforest. According to the Legend of Lehon, Tatooine had also been inhabited by a group called the Kumumgah during this time, but there was little evidence to support the story. Sometime in Tatooine's history, the whole planet became a desert by unknown means when the oceans dried away. Much later, it would be colonized by early settlers and explorers, who mistook the planet for a third sun owing to its highly reflective silicate surface. As a result of sporadic and unsuccessful colonization ventures, the planet became a haven for smugglers and criminal activity, while scattered, isolated settlements of hard-working inhabitants attempted to earn a living in the wastes. A long-ago mining boom saw the widespread use of sandcrawlers on the desert plains in an effort to mine valuable minerals. However, after it was discovered that most valuable minerals could be found on the surface, along with most minerals having unwanted metallurgic properties, the sandcrawlers were abandoned and eventually picked up by the native Jawas for use as shelter and mobile bases, from which they collected scrap from thousands of years of crashed spacecraft and failed mining projects. Offworlders erected various cities in the desert, and colonists who decided to stay on the planet built moisture farms. The B'omarr Order on Tatooine kept their disembodied brains floating in jars that hung below their spider-like droid bodies, and built a monastery on the planet which would eventually come under the ownership of Jabba Desilijic Tiure as his palace.   Most wealth eventually found its way into the city of Mos Espa, with most of it procured from gambling and off-world trade, especially through the lucrative black market. The influx of commercial ventures fueled Mos Espa's growth, eventually securing its regional importance as a hub of economic and financial activity. With high tariffs imposed by the Hutts, some believed themselves able to escape paying them by doing business in the planet's de facto capital, however often found themselves scammed and broke if not through gambling, through simple bad luck.


  • Tatooine Map


Desert Planet  


Outer Rim  


Tatoo System  


Tatoo I & Tatoo II  


Chomrassen, Guermessa & Chenini  

Physical Information

Class: Terrestrial   Diameter: 10,465 km   Atmosphere: Breathable   Climate: Hot & Cold   Primary Terrian: Canyons, Deserts, Mountains and Rocky Bluffs   Surface Water:1%  

Native Species

Jawa   Tusken  


Black Melon, Funnel flower, Lamta, Pallie, Poonten Grass, Polta Bean, Tree and Tuber


Bantha , Krayt Dragon , Sketto , Dewback , Eopie , Monkey-Lizard , Massiff , Rancor, Rock Wart , Ronto , Sarlacc , ScurrierWomp Rat  and Worrt

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