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Worrts are a non-sentient species that hailed from the desert of the planet Tatooine. These squat, large-mouthed creatures caught prey by sitting stationary in the sand and then using their purple prehensile tongues to wrap around passing rodents, insects or birds.  

Biology and Appearance

Worrts were squat and spiky creatures whose appearance bore similarities to that of chubas. They had brown, warty skin and measured 1.50 meters in height. They were quadrupeds with dexterous forelimbs. A worrt's head featured a pair of sensitive cranial palps, two bulbous eyes[5] that could be yellow in hue, two nostrils, and a large mouth. That mouth contained a purple prehensile tongue, and strong teeth laced with a venom potent enough to kill a bantha. The eyelids of the worrts could keep sand out of their eyes, and their saliva was also capable of jamming a blaster. Worrts lay large amounts of small, soft eggs which were harvested for food and used as ingredients in drinks served at cantinas.


Worrts were predatory creatures who lived on desert planets. Worrts fed mostly on insects and rodents. When hungry, a worrt would settle into the sand, becoming indistinguishable from a rocky outcropping, and wait for a prey to pass by it. When its victim came close enough, the predator threw its purple prehensile tongue out of its mouth and wrapped it around the prey. The worrt's prehensile tongue then snapped back, throwing the food down its throat, devouring it whole and belching loud.

Biological Classification

Designation: Non-Sentient   Classification: Amphibian  

Physical Characteristics

Average Height: 4.9 Feet   Skin Color: Brown   Eye Color: Yellow   Distinctions: Toothy Mouth, Purple Prehensile Tongue, Dexterous Forelimbs, Heat-Sensitive Palos, Two Cranial Antennae  

Sociocultural Characteristics

Homeworld: Tatooine    Habitat: Desert   Diet: Carnivore

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