Iguwolé "Clean" Brador

"Nice and clean. Well done, second company."   "First platoon!"   "Well not just you, but yeah, you did good first platoon. I meant this whole deployment, very nice."   "Second company, second company, this is HQ, please repond."   "We read you, HQ, what do you have for us?"   "Our reinforcements have arrived. deployment training is cancelled, we have divisional muster at 1800 hrs, local, followed by a mess-dress dinner. I've released all the fusiliers to quarters except for sentries, get our people gussied up, we gotta look good, Number one."   "Aye-aye, Sir. Over."  
  "Why did you need to cancel deployment, anyways? We could have drilled a little, we had plenty of time."   "We wouldn't have had the room, our reinforcements include the 22nd Narmenian Armoured Grenadiers... And they don't have laagers, yet. That deployment field we thought we could use? Someone else had the same idea, but they boots are heavier..."   "Oh leave, we are too stompy, eh?"   "I don't think they knew we were there, or they'd have asked... A full regiment of grenadiers, that's a lot of tracks."   "What's it take for armour to be grenadiers anyways?"   "Same thing it takes for infantry, heavier armour, and heavier weapons."   "What are we looking at then? Lemans?"   "Mixed shadowswords, baneblades, some predators..."   "Frak, we're reinforced with tank-killers?"   "Tank-killers? You're thinking small, a shadowsword's a threat to a titan... And if I can read markings, their second in command has a confirmed titan-kill."   "Not their commander?"   "No, he's in the baneblade."   "Along with their commissar?"   "No, apparently, they don't need commissar support, well inasmuch, they're expected to report to ours, in a pinch."   "Ours? We only have the one..."   "I meant the division's. Until Carmine returns to Terra, she's a supernumerary attached to us."   "How's Michael to stop one of those going rogue?"   "Je me souviens can cut their hatches, I'm sure, once he gets in, well, he's only the third best swordsman in theatre."   "Who's first?"   "You have to ask?"   "Yeah, you know who's in theatre better than I do, I was in sick bay when we had those meetings, remember?"   "Oh, yeah, so the Tanith First are in Theatre, Ibram Gaunt, Colonel-Commisar, his list of kills makes me weak in the knees."   "Oh, that tall spare guy with Michael at the award ceremony?"   "The very same."   "You talk to him like he's superior, because of the dual-rank?"   "No, I talk to him as a superior because he's been in the guard longer than I've been alive, he's been with his regiment since their founding, which was before ours, or before I was a colonel. You may have noticed he's got this nice head of graying hair... Which I currently lack..." She shook her jet-black curls.   "I'm a married man, Colonel, you need not practice your whiles on me."   "I wasn't, but he is twice my age, and change..."   "How come they didn't ask him to chip in?"   "Dual-ranked commissars are only for troubled foundings, or special circumstances, it's implied they're supposed to have their hands full...


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