Private Dahlia Vantree

"You ok?"   "Go away."   "Come on, you can tell me..." Sargeant Jorja Ifrit insisted gently.   "I've been busted to buck private again."   "Aw, did you get transferred?"   "No, why?"   "Because you're still in the same squad I am, dummy. They're going to give us a second sniper, and..."   "I still wouldn't mind the extra pay."   "Expensive dresses huh?"   "Stop joking, my mother's ill... I've been sending money home, as much as I can... What's this?" They were in Dahlia's barracks, she looked on her table, mail had been dropped off. "Raeder being his usual efficient self eh?"   "Off-world mail? You bet he'd be careful with it." She had picked up on the imperial palace-sized postage imprint.   "Off-world? This, this is from Terra! I love getting mail from back home..."  
Administration, 76th floor, subtower south, Vilmarie Hive Tower, East-Noram, Terra.   As Emelina Vantree's landlord it is our sad duty to report to you the news of her untimely passing, at the age of 56, in her home, due to respiratory ailment. The goods in her hab have been sold to repay unpaid lodgings,
— Letter contents.


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