Serene Plains


Total Population: 90492
Primary Race: Minotaur
General Attitude: Welcoming and Critical
  • Children: 17193
  • Adults: 66965
  • Elderly: 6334
  • Ill/Infirm: 10055
  • Known Criminals: 904
  • Urban Population: 90492
  • Rural Population: 0


Road Construction: Cobblestone Roads
Main Irrigation: Border Strip Irrigation
Number of Districts: 13


Overall Architecture

  • Primary Building Style: Adobe
  • Secondary Building Styles: Clay Lined Fiber, Stone, and Sun Dried Bricks
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Lived-in


District 1
  • Type: Shanty Town
  • Population: 12344
  • Primary Building Style: Adobe
  • Secondary Building Styles: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Foul
  • Upkeep: Condemned
District 2
  • Type: Residential
  • Population: 24171
  • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Secondary Building Styles: Adobe
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept
District 3
  • Type: Slum
  • Population: 6875
  • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Functional
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Derelict
District 4
  • Type: Military
  • Population: 13841
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Sun Dried Bricks
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Sterile
  • Upkeep: Well-appointed
District 5
  • Type: Oderiferous Business
  • Population: 444
  • Primary Building Style: Adobe
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Functional
  • Cleanliness: Filthy
  • Upkeep: Well-Kept
District 6
  • Type: River
  • Population: 5462
  • Primary Building Style: Sun Dried Bricks
  • Secondary Building Styles: Adobe and Stone
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
District 7
  • Type: Docks
  • Population: 7047
  • Primary Building Style: Adobe
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
District 8
  • Type: Market
  • Population: 5001
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Clay Lined Fiber and Adobe
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: neglected
District 9
  • Type: Craftsmen
  • Population: 5889
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Clay Lined Fiber and Adobe
  • Aesthetics: Rough
  • Cleanliness: Immaculate
  • Upkeep: Handsom
District 10
  • Type: Merchant
  • Population: 2954
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Orderly
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
District 11
  • Type: Administration
  • Population: 2964
  • Primary Building Style: Adobe
  • Secondary Building Styles: Sun Dried Bricks
  • Aesthetics: Royal
  • Cleanliness: Sterile
  • Upkeep: Well-appointed
District 12
  • Type: Gate
  • Population: 796
  • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: neglected
District 13
  • Type: Industrial
  • Population: 2704
  • Primary Building Style: Clay Lined Fiber
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone and Sun Dried Bricks
  • Aesthetics: Basic
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: neglected


Walls: Great Wall
Natural Defences: Hills and Wide River

Points of Interest

Special Features

  • War Memorial: 14.22 km southeast
  • Ancient Battlefield: 30.38 km north
  • Ancient Colossus: 23.38 km southeast
  • Diseased Wood: 15.99 km southwest


Glacial Hills
Elevation: 0.66 km above sea level
Distance from the Marine Coast: 561 km
Ground Cover: 42%

Water Features

  • Salinity: fresh
  • Depth: 12 m
  • Navigable: No
  • Aquatic Animals: Catfish and Smelt
Wide River
  • Salinity: fresh
  • Depth: 82 m
  • Width: 15.57 km
  • Navigable: Yes
  • Upstream: Eddy
  • Aquatic Animals: Smelt, Catfish, Trout, and Clams


Warm Temperate Scrubland
Avg. Annual Temperature: 9C
Avg. Annual Precipitation: 577.50 mm
Avg. Annual Snowfall: 1.59 m
Seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring
Prevailing Winds: southwest to northeast

Natural Resources


  • Igneous: Granite
  • Metamorphic: Slate
  • Sedimentary: Caliche


  • Metals: Tungsten
  • Precious: Silver


  • Semi-Precious: Turqoise


  • Warm Seasons: Kiwicha
  • Cool Seasons: Triticale and Buckwheat
  • Food: Triticale, Buckwheat, and Kiwicha


  • Leafy: Lettuce
  • Marrow: Pumpkin
  • Stem: Celery

Utility Crops

  • Fiber: Hemp


Stone Quarries

  • Gathers Granite
  • 0 workers
  • Gathers Caliche
  • 0 workers

Ore Mines

Room and Pillar Mine
  • Gathers Tungsten
  • 0 workers
Mountain Top Removal Mine
  • Gathers Tungsten
  • 0 workers

Flora and Fauna

  • Livestock: Araucana (Chicken) and Alentejana (Cattle)
  • Prey: Jackrabbit and Antelope
  • Predators: Coyote, Lions, Sidewinder, and Snakes
  • Aquatic: Smelt, Smelt, Trout, Catfish, Catfish, and Clams
  • Grass: Leafy Reedgrass and Blue Fescue Grass
  • Shrubs: Aucuba
Large town


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