Sniper-Specialist Vicky Tane

"I'm the reason they invented those hairnets, not Capella..." The squad was milling around, sipping a mix of local adult beverages.
  "Ha! Good one, Vicky!" Niels was with his squadron, enjoying some rare R&R.
  Vicky sipped from her wineglass, them "What'd they ship you here for?"
  "To be part of the fusiliers..."
  "Not what I meant, you're clearly Progena, like your sister, and your brother..."
  "Only my brother passed, really, and by a narrow margin, he was recognized by Commissar-General @Oktar, however, for his ability at geometry, at math... Turns out he really objects to us being seperated. So the commissar made us all an offer, we were not going to be seperated, and we were going to be enlisted in a new unit he was forming up. Well, maybe not enlisted, if we registered for officer school, Dacapo would be enlisted, and we, as officers, would be uniquely placed to protect him and help him use his skills. My sister actually graduated, her extra-focused curriculum actually helped her use skills she actually had, not geography."
  "She earned 'bossbudget' didn't she?"
  "Oh, and then some. But she's my sister."
  Vicki thought that meant: 'don't make criticism of the boss lady I can't ignore, please, and changed the subject.
  "That means you were scholam-mates with the commissar too?"
  "Yeah, And his sister."
  "HQ company's assault commander." The bane of my existence then, her childish crush wasn't appreciated, he didn't add.
  "Oh, HQ Company? Isn't that odd?"
  "It's one of my sister's ideas, Cyn is more like her XO would be, if she just commanded HQ Company, And Frank, her adjutant, is, her words, more of a work husband."
  "Oh, Cyn's command is more like on a ship?"
  "Yeah, that's where the idea comes from."
  "And she's the commissar's sister? Doesn't that smack of nepotism?"
  "If you'd have met her you'd know why... She and Wanda both graduated the scholam, into Tempestus, and she made Tempestor."
  "Tempestor? That stounds stormy..."
  "Yeah, but then she was one of the inquisition own little stormtroopers squad leaders..."
  "Frak! An inquisition kill team squad-leader? What'd she do to get down-checked?"
  "All I know is she knew Sophia, and asked for a transfer, one day. Sophia approved it and here she is..."
  "I know that look in a man's eye... There's something you're not telling me."
  "She's my brother's girlfriend... Almost my sister-in-law at this point."
  "And you?"
  "And me what?"
  "You got a special someone?"
  "Yeah, you could say that."
  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He was blushing.
  "Sorry, just have plans for tonight, with that particular person."
  "Ohh,, getting lucky?"
  "You could say that."
  "Everyone but me in the unit it seems."
  "Well, here comes someone you'd enjoy getting to know, I think..."
  "Oh? Who's that?"
  "Recce-Warrant Taylor."
  "We've met. Have a nice one, I'll go try to scare up someone from that squad there."
  "I like me a man with some brass, to be quite honest."
  "Good luck Vicky."
  "Thanks Sir."

  "These Narmenians aren't very friendly..."
  "No, agreed."
  "You with the Van Doos?"
  "Yeah, sticking here until I go back to Terra for founding."
  "Back home huh?"
  "You're terran tool?"
  "Fusiliers, I have folk in East-Noram, just like you."


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