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The only folks who enter that 'wood are the deranged, the desperate, and the ones already dead⁠— those few who ain't got nothin' left to lose but their lives.
— Wildegate Merchant


Outside of natural fauna and the wayfarers who dare to enter, the Spiritwood is wholly comprised of Wildlings. Sanctioned off as a reserve after the Exaltation of 792, the Spiritwood is home to the Wildlings of Lemeria.


The peoples of Spiritwood, an ancient race now known only as Wildlings, is governed by a complex theocracy that is as layered and tiered as the Lemerian monarchy in which it is subjugated to.


As most of the structures within the Spiritwood are elevated far into the canopy, their defensive nature begins as such. Each settlement, each tree within the forest is connected and the ability to communicate over vast distances is extremely important to their defense against outside attacks.

Industry & Trade

Forced into isolation, the Wildlings have very little trade with the outside world. But they do have a few steady sources of income: Three leagues of woodlands outside of Wildefate may be felled once every nine years and as compensation, a variety of tradestuff is sent to the center of the woods.


All of the infrastructure within the Spiritwood is made out of natural material, with little interference against nature. Most communities are built amongst the sturdy branches of the white-barked trees, high off the forest floor. Naturally felled material is used in a variety of ways, chiefly tables, chairs, and artwork, whereas buildings themselves have either been magically manipulated or grown into the desired shape over time.


The architecture of Spiritwood is subtle but beautiful. After having been subjugated to spend their lives in the Woods they fought so hard to protect, the Wildlings have learned to coincide with the forest, with the energy that permeates throughout. Buildings of white-bark can be seen in the canopies throughout the wood. Masterfully conceptualized and designed, the walls and thatched roofs blend into the landscape and make the most of every space available.   Lattice-wood bridges create roads and highways in the trees and connects this society together. Symbols are often carved into the wood itslf, designated what is what, while some prefer to grow their own signs with branches and vines. Within the four major settlements of the Spiritwood, Freore's Flower is the oldest and the grandest, encompassing over three hundred acres. Here buildings span across groves of trees and priestesses temples span the canopy itself.

Natural Resources

The resources within the Spiritwood are plentiful, if somewhat difficult to gather at times. Game animals are the main source of sustenance within the Woods, as are fish, berries, moonbirds, and fungi.   Water is plenty, as rivers flowing from the Iron Mountains snake through the Wood.
Alternative Name(s)
The Wilding Forest
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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