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Pikor region/Plaguelands

"When baso is green, and mendi is grey, pikor is golden. When all the rest of the world is burning and drowning in blood, pikor is still golden. When Anushab was razed to nothing, when the halls of Char-Uhk-Dahn were drowned in blood, still Arunai holds the line as a great city of the world." - a comparison of the Pikor disctricts comparative prosperity during the Masked War


A fairly flat plain, once filled further than the eye could see with plots of rye, it is now mostly desolate grasslands, with pockets of civilization having held on. There are some small hilly areas but they give way only to even more flat plains. Much of the land has been scarred and scoured, with large patches of grey muck and dirt. There are still some lakes and creaks, but most of the larger waterways and rivers have dried up without people taking care of them and maintaining them, and most open sources of water have been contaminated.

Fauna & Flora

Rye and rye-grass are both common, as are other hardy short-grasses, and at one time insects and small birds, as well as larger birds to predate on them were both very common, however most of the bird species present eventually succumbed to the plague that affected the lands, so that only insects and a more recent arrival, vultures, remain.

Natural Resources

Some of the most fertile and abundant farmland in the Masked Lands, even with much of it devastated by plague and curse.
Alternative Name(s)
Pikor district, plaguelands, plagued pikor
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