
I've never seen anything quite like this-   Dear, see if you can get a better photograph from the other side-   This doesn't look like any Memoria Technology we've seen before. Sativa, do you recognize it? No?   How interesting indeed...
— Elizabeth Bismuth, The Final Adventure
Well, we found quite the discovery, didn't we?   The Memoria Facility was innocuous enough-Same steel corridors, gastly pale lighting, any attempt at comfort or homeliness removed without a second thought. I doubt a single woman has ever stepped foot in this facility. Sativa Didn't even have the facility on record, which I find quite interesting, as he has a database of every Memoria Facility in the Mortal Lands in that clever little metal head of his! At least all the ones on public record, which means that this facility was, indeed, very much not on public record.   It isn't a big facility, by any means; There's a few rooms for sleeping and cooking, bare and cold as they are, a few laboratories, and an observation room over a large, circular chamber. It looks more like something from one of those silly pulp fiction silent films they show back in Poartlind. Anything organic has long since deteriorated, save for a few scraps of what look like decorative cloth-it was black, at one time, now a dark purple filled with holes and will probably disintegrate if touched. They hang from the ceiling and give quite the eerie air to the place. The Floor is the truly interesting part of the facility; it's as if someone took a Wizard Ritual and Memoric Transportation technology and created an unholy abomination of the two. At least Koski called it unholy, and I'll take his word for it. Tabitha and Sativa showed great interest in studying it further, but I would rather fortify the facility first.   We beat Hawthorne here, but only barely. I want to be ready for anything when he comes knocking. He was hell-bound to find something here, and I want to know what.   ~Elizabeth Bismuth, May 7th, 1900.

Archaeo-Technic Containment Seal

  Classification Status: Grade 5   Attempted Breaches: 327   Seal Integrity: 35.4%   Time since Last Inspection: OVERFLOW ERROR   Updates Queued: 4,973   Developer Notes: Initial Test of Seal sucessful. Intra-Planar being manifested with little threat to staff. Being's boasts of 'Unfathomable Consequences' are to be ignored. Being dismissed. Staff are to report for Medical Exam out of Precaution.

Tabitha's Notes

  "I don't know how the Memoria figured out Magic-This predates Wizards by several thousand years, at least, but the methods used are almost identical. Sativa has told us that the Mechanicals were designed, in part, to manipulate magic where the Memoria could not. I have not seen a single Mechanical construct in this building, which makes the runes on the floor all the stranger. Koski and I agree that they resemble runes used by one of the smaller Satanic cults in their attempts to summon Demons from the Infernal Realms.   But I can't tell if they were trying to keep something in-or Out."
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Jul 17, 2024 12:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the underlying sense of dread to this article. Just what was the seal protecting against? And... what were these 'unfathomable consequences'?

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